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时间:2010-07-18 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

n number of H atoms in characteristic fuel
x number of C atoms in characteristic exhaust
hydrocarbon molecule
Y number of H atoms in characteristic exhaust
hydrocarbon molecule
The value of dm, the ratio of the atomic hydrogen to atomic
carbon of fuel used, is evaluated by fuel type analysis. The
ambient air humidity, h, shall be measured at each set
condition. In the absence of contrary evidence as to the
characterization (x,y) of the exhaust hydrocarbons, the values
x = 1, y = 4 are to be used. If dry or semi-dry CO and CO,
measurements are to be used then these shall first be converted
to the equivalent wet concentrations as shown in
Attachment E to this appendix, which also contains interference
correction formulas for use as required.
Note.- The given in 7.1.4 and 7.2 is only
applicable to tesls made when afterbuming is not used. For
tests when afterbuming is used, a similar procedure could be
used after approval by the certijicating authoriy
7.1.4 Correction of emission indices
to reference conditions
Corrections shall be made to the measured engine emission
indices for all pollutants in all relevant engine operating
modes to account for deviations from the reference conditions
(ISA at sea level) of the actual test inlet air conditions of
temperature and pressure. The reference value for humidity
shall be 0.006 29 kg waterlkg dry air.
Thus, EI corrected = K x EI measured,
where the generalized expression for K is:
T, ISA sea level temperature
PEM Pressure at the combustor inlet of the engine
tested (or the reference engine if the data is
corrected to a reference engine) associated
with T, under ISA sea level conditions.
TB, Temperature at the combustor inlet under ISA
sea level conditions for the engine tested (or
the reference engine if the data is to be
corrected to a reference engine). This
temperature is the temperature associated with
each thrust level specified for each mode.
FA&, Fuellair ratio in the combustor under ISA sea
level conditions for the engine tested (or the
reference engine if the data is to be corrected
to a reference engine).
a, b,c.d Specific constants which may vary for each
pollutant and each engine type.
The combustor inlet parameters shall preferably be
measured but may be calculated from ambient conditions by
appropriate formulas.
7.1.5 Using the recommended curve fitting technique
to relate emission indices to combustor inlet temperature
effectively eliminates the exp (IT,, - T, llc) term from the
generalized equation and for most cases the ( F ? /,FA R,)
term may be considered unity. For the emissions indices of
CO and HC many testing facilities have determined that the
humidity term is sufficiently close to unity to be eliminated
from the expression and that the exponent of the (P,,, IP,)
term is close to unity.
EYCO) corrected = EI derived from
(P, lPB,d - EI(C0) v. TB cuive
EI(HC) corrected = EI derived from
(P, lP,J * EI(HC) v. T, curve
Annex I6 - Environmenkrl Protection Volume II
EI(N0,) corrected = EI
EI(N0,) (Pk,lP ,lo3
derived from
' exp (19 1 h - 0.006 29 1 ) v. TB curve
If this recommended method for the CO and HC emissions
index correction does not provide a satisfactory
correlation, an alternative method using parameters derived
from component tests may be used.
Any other methods used for making corrections to CO,
HC and NO, emissions indices shall have the approval of the
certificating authority.
7.2 Control parameter functions
(apF, oe,7 9
The manufacturer shall also supply to the certificating
authority all of the necessary engine performance data to substantiate
these relationships and for ISA sea level ambient
d) maximum rated thrust (F,); and
e) engine pressure ratio (n) at maximum rated thrust.
Note.- These are illustrated by Figure 5-3 d).
7.2.3 The estimation of EI for each pollutant at each of
the required engine mode settings, corrected to the reference
ambient conditions, shall comply with the following general
a) at each mode ISA thrust condition F,, determine the
7.2.1 Definitions equivalent combustor inlet temperature (T,) (Figure
5-3 c));
D, The mass of any gaseous pollutant emitted during
the reference emissions landing and take-off cycle. b) from the EUT, characteristic (Figure 5-3 a)),
determine the E l value corresponding to T,;
F,, The maximum thrust available for take-off under
normal operating conditions at ISA sea level static c) from the WI & characteristics (Figure 5-3 b)),
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