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时间:2010-07-18 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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and the hydrocarbon analysis instrumentation. sentative sample for each prescribed power setting.
Requirements for the various component sub-systems are
given in 5, but the following list gives some qualifications
and variations :
5.1.2 Sampling lines
a) it is assumed that each of the various individual subsystems
includes the necessary flow control, condi- The sample shall be transferred from the probe to the
tioning and measurement facilities; analysers via a line of 4.0 to 8.5 rnm inside diameter, taking
Appendix 3 Annex 16 - Environmenttrl Protection
the shortest route practicable and using a flow rate such that
the transport time is less than 10 seconds. The line shall be
maintained at a temperature of 160°C &lS°C (with a stability
of +lO°C), except for a) the distance required to cool the gas
from the engine exhaust temperature down to the line control
temperature, and b) the branch which supplies samples to the
CO, C.O,, and NO, analysers. This branch line shall be maintained
at a temperature of 65°C * 15°C (with a stability of
+lO°C). When sampling to measure HC, CO, CO, and NO,
components the line shall be constructed in stainless steel or
carbon-loaded grounded F'TFE.
5.2 HC analyser
The measurement of total hydrocarbon sample content shall
be made by an analyser using the heated flame ionization
detector (FID), between the electrodes of which passes an
ionization current proportional to the mass rate of hydrocarbon
entering a hydrogen flame. The analyser shall be
deemed to include components arranged to control temperature
and flow rates of sample, sample bypass, fuel and diluent
gases, and to enable effective span and zero calibration
Note.- An over-all specification is given in Attachment A
to this appendix.
5.3 CO and CO, analysers
Non-dispersive infra-red analysers shall be used for the
measurements of these components, and shall be of the design
which utilizes differential energy absorption in parallel
reference and sample gas cells, the cell or group of cells for
each of these gas constituents being sensitized appropriately.
This analysis sub-system shall include all necessary functions
for the control and hmdling of sample, zero and span gas
flaws. Temperature control shall be that appropriate to
whichever basis of measurement, wet or dry, is chosen.
Note.- An over-all specification is given in Attachment B
to this appendix.
5.4 NO, analyser
The measurement of NO concentration shall be by the
chemiluminescent method in which the measure of the
radiation intensity emitted during the reaction of the NO in
the sample with added 0, is the measure of the' NO
concentration. The NQ component shall be converted to NT)
in a converter of the requisite efficiency prior to
measurement. The resultant NO, measurement systenl shall
include all necessary flow, temperature and other controls and
provide for routine zero and span calibration as well as for
converter efficiency checks.
Note.-An over-all spec@cation is given in Attachment C
to this appendix,
6.1 Engine operation
6.1.1 The engine shall be operated on a static test
facility which is suitable and properly equipped for high
accuracy performance testing.
6.1.2 The emissions tests shall be made at the power
settings prescribed by the certificating authority. The engine
shall be stabilized at each setting.
6.2 Major instrument calibration
Note.- The general objective of this calibration is to
confirm stability and linearity.
6.2.1 The applicant shall satisfy the certificating
authority that the calibration of the analytical system is valid
at the time of the test.
6.2.2 For the hydrocarbon analyser this calibration shall
include checks that the detector oxygen and differential
hydrocarbon responses are within the limits specified, as laid
down in Attachment A to this appendix. The efficiency of the
NO,/NO converter shall also be checked and verified to meet
the requirements in Attachment C to this appendix.
6.2.3 The procedure for checlcing the performance of
each analyser shall be as follows (using the calibration and
test gases as specified in Attachment D to this appendix):
a) introduce zero gas and adjust instrument zero,
recording setting as appropriate;
b) for each range to be used operationally, introduce
calibration gas of (nominally) 90 per cent range fullscale
deflection (FSD) concentration; adjust instrument
gain accordingly and record its setting;
c) introduce approximately 30 per cent, 60 per cent, and
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