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时间:2011-11-23 09:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The note to Chapter 1 — Definitions was deleted. A specification setting out the action required for the transportation of weapons on board aircraft by law enforcement and other duly authorized persons was modified. A specification on the carriage of weapons in all other cases was added and the note to a specification dealing with the safeguarding of unattended aircraft was clarified.
On the instruction of the Council this amendment was undertaken as a matter of urgency by the Committee on Unlawful Interference with the assistance of an Ad Hoc Group of Experts on aviation security which had been appointed on the instruction of the Council. As a consequence 11 new specifications were introduced into the Annex and 19 specifications were adopted as Standards.
Special effective and applicable dates for 5.1.4 are shown in the adjacent column.
The Council recommended that those States that are able to implement the substance of 5.1.4 do so as soon as it is feasible and practicable before the applicable date.
22 March 1974 22 August 1974 27 February 1975
31 March 1976 31 July 1976 30 December 1976
15 December 1977 15 April 1978 10 August 1978
13 December 1978 13 April 1979 29 November 1979
15 June 1981 15 October 1981 26 November 1981
30 November 1984 14 April 1985 21 November 1985
19 December 1985 19 March 1986 19 May 1986
19 October 1987 19 December 1987

(vii)  1/7/06
Adopted Effective 
Amendment  Source(s)  Subject(s)  Applicable 
7 (4th Edition)  Proposals of the Committee on Unlawful Interference with the assistance of the Aviation Security Panel and Council action in pursuance of Assembly Resolution A26-7  This amendment includes: a) a reorganization of the chapters of the Annex directed at a rationalization of the sequence of objectives, obligations and necessary actions relating to organization, preventive security measures and management of response; b) the introduction of important new provisions to reflect developments and assist States in confronting new situations which arose from grave acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation, since the last revision of Annex 17 in 1985; and c) the amendment or fine tuning of existing provisions consequential to a) and b), as well as to reflect the experience gained in the implementation of such measures.  22 June 1989 30 October 1989 16 November 1989 
8 (5th Edition)  Proposals of the Committee on Unlawful Interference with the assistance of the Aviation Security Panel (AVSECP) and Council action in pursuance of Assembly Resolution A27-7  This amendment includes the introduction of important new provisions in relation to the comprehensive security screening of checked baggage, security control over cargo, courier and express parcels and mail, variations to procedures relating to security programmes, pre-flight checks of international aircraft, and measures relating to the incorporation of security consideration into airport design for the purpose of assisting States in the consistent and uniform implementation of such measures.  11 September 1992 16 December 1992 1 April 1993 
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本文链接地址:Security Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation(8)