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时间:2011-11-23 09:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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b) means should be provided for monitoring from either pilot’s station the entire door area outside the flight crew compartment to identify persons requesting entry and to detect suspicious behaviour or potential threat.
13.3 Aeroplane search procedure checklist
An operator shall ensure that there is on board a checklist of the procedures to be followed in searching for a bomb in case of suspected sabotage and for inspecting aeroplanes for concealed weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices when a well-founded suspicion exists that the aeroplane may be the object of an act of unlawful interference.  The checklist shall be supported by guidance on the appropriate course of action to be taken should a bomb or suspicious object be found and information on the least-risk bomb location specific to the aeroplane.
13.4 Training programmes
13.4.1 An operator shall establish and maintain an approved security training programme which ensures crew members act in the most appropriate manner to minimize the consequences of acts of unlawful interference. As a minimum, this programme shall include the following elements:
a) determination of the seriousness of any occurrence;
b) crew communication and coordination;
c) appropriate self-defense responses;
d) use of non-lethal protective devices assigned to crew members whose use is authorized by the State of the Operator;
e) understanding of behaviour of terrorists so as to facilitate the ability of crew members to cope with hijacker behaviour and passenger responses;
f) live situational training exercises regarding various threat conditions;
g) flight deck procedures to protect the aeroplane; and

h) aeroplane search procedures and guidance on least-risk bomb locations where practicable.
13.4.2 An operator shall also establish and maintain a training programme to acquaint appropriate employees with preventive measures and techniques in relation to passengers, baggage, cargo, mail, equipment, stores and supplies intended for carriage on an aeroplane so that they contribute to the prevention of acts of sabotage or other forms of unlawful interference.
13.5 Reporting acts of unlawful interference
Following an act of unlawful interference, the pilot-in-command shall submit, without delay, a report of such an act to the designated local authority.

13.6 Miscellaneous
13.6.1 Recommendation.— Specialized means of attenuating and directing the blast should be provided for use at the least-risk bomb location.
13.6.2 Recommendation.— Where an operator accepts the carriage of weapons removed from passengers, the aeroplane should have provision for stowing such weapons in a place so that they are inaccessible to any person during flight time.
*  In the context of this Chapter, the word ‘‘security’’ is used in the sense of prevention of illicit acts against civil aviation.

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本文链接地址:Security Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation(24)