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时间:2011-11-23 09:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Table A shows the origin of subsequent amendments together with a list of the principal subjects involved and the dates on which the Annex and the amendments were adopted by the Council, when they became effective and when they became applicable.
In order that a comprehensive document may be available to States for implementation of the security measures prescribed by this Annex, an Attachment hereto reproduces extracts from other Annexes, Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284), PANS-ATM and PANS-OPS bearing on the subject of action to be taken by States to prevent unlawful interference with civil aviation, or when such interference has been committed.
Guidance material
The Security Manual for Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference (Doc 8973 — Restricted) provides detailed procedures and guidance on aspects of aviation security and is intended to assist States in the implementation of their respective national civil aviation security programmes required by the specifications in the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Action by Contracting States
Applicability. The provisions of the Standards and Recom-mended Practices in this document are to be applied by Contracting States.
Notification of differences. The attention of Contracting States is drawn to the obligation imposed by Article 38 of the Convention, by which Contracting States are required to notify the Organization of any differences between their national regulations and practices and the International Standards con-tained in this Annex and any amendments thereto. Contracting States are invited to keep the Organization currently informed of any differences which may subsequently occur, or of the withdrawal of any difference previously notified. A specific request for notification of differences will be sent to Contracting States immediately after the adoption of each amendment to this Annex.

Contracting States are also invited to extend such notifi-cation to any differences from the Recommended Practices contained in this Annex, and any amendment thereto, when the notification of such differences is important for the safety of air navigation.
Attention of States is also drawn to the provisions of Annex 15 related to the publication of differences between their national regulations and practices and the related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices through the Aeronaut-ical Information Service, in addition to the obligation of States under Article 38 of the Convention.
Promulgation of information. Information relating to the establishment and withdrawal of and changes to facilities, services and procedures affecting aircraft operations provided according to the Standards and Recommended Practices specified in this Annex should be notified and take effect in accordance with Annex 15.
Use of the text of the Annex in national regulations. The Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting the attention of Contracting States to the desirability of using in their own national regulations, as far as practicable, the precise language of those ICAO Standards that are of a regulatory character and also of indicating departures from the Standards, including any additional national regulations that were import-ant for the safety or regularity of air navigation. Wherever possible, the provisions of this Annex have been written in such a way as would facilitate incorporation, without major textual changes, into national legislation.
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