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时间:2011-11-23 09:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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3.3.2 Recommendation.— Each Contracting State should ensure that each entity conducting general aviation operations, including corporate aviation operations, using air-craft with a maximum take-off mass greater than 5 700 kg, has established, implemented and maintained a written operator security programme that meets the requirements of the national civil aviation security programme of that State.

3.3.3 Recommendation.— Each Contracting State should ensure that each entity conducting aerial work oper-ations has established, implemented and maintained a written operator security programme that meets the requirements of the national civil aviation security programme of that State. The programme shall contain operations features specific to the type of operations conducted.
3.3.4 Recommendation.— Each Contracting State should take into account the ICAO model as a basis for oper-ators’ or entities’ security programmes under 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and
3.3.5 Recommendation.— Each Contracting State should require operators providing service from that State and participating in code-sharing or other collaborative arrange-ments with other operators to notify the appropriate authority of the nature of these arrangements, including the identity of the other operators.

3.4 Quality control
3.4.1 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the persons implementing security controls are subject to background checks and selection procedures.
3.4.2 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the persons implementing security controls possess all competencies required to perform their duties and are appropriately trained according to the requirements of the national civil aviation security programme and that appropriate records are main-tained up to date. Relevant standards of performance shall be established and initial and periodic assessments shall be introduced to maintain those standards.
3.4.3 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the persons carrying out screening operations are certified according to the requirements of the national civil aviation security programme to ensure that performance standards are consistently and reliably achieved.
3.4.4 Each Contracting State shall require the appropriate authority to develop, implement and maintain a national civil aviation security quality control programme to determine
Chapter 3
compliance with and validate the effectiveness of its national civil aviation security programme.
3.4.5 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the implementation of security measures is regularly subjected to verification of compliance with the national civil aviation security programme. The priorities and frequency of monitor-ing shall be determined on the basis of risk assessment carried out by the relevant authorities.
3.4.6 Each Contracting State shall arrange for security audits, tests, surveys and inspections to be conducted on a reg-ular basis, to verify compliance with the national civil aviation security programme and to provide for the rapid and effective rectification of any deficiencies.
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本文链接地址:Security Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation(15)