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时间:2011-11-23 09:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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Note 1.— Specifications for machine readable travel docu-ments (Doc 9303, Series) do not permit alteration of the expiration date and other data in the machine readable zone.
Note 2. — States whose national legislation or regulations currently allow for the extension of the period of validity should undertake to amend the appropriate text in a reasonable period.
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C. Security of travel documents
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3.7 Contracting States shall regularly update security fea-tures in new versions of their travel documents, to guard against their misuse and to facilitate detection of cases where such documents have been unlawfully altered, replicated or issued.
3.8 Contracting States shall establish controls on the creation and issuance of travel documents in order to safe-guard against the theft of their stocks and the misappropriation of newly issued travel documents.
3.9 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States should incorporate biometric data in their machine readable passports, visas and other official travel documents, using one or more optional data storage technologies to supplement the machine readable zone, as specified in Doc 9303, Machine Readable Travel Documents. The required data stored on the integrated circuit chip is the same as that printed on the data page, that is, the data contained in the machine-readable zone plus the digitized photographic image. Fingerprint image(s) and/or iris image(s) are optional biometrics for Contracting States wishing to supplement the facial image with another biometric in the passport. Contracting States incorporating biometric data in their Machine Readable Passports are to store the data in a contactless integrated circuit chip comply-ing with ISO/IEC 14443 and programmed according to the Logical Data Structure as specified by ICAO.
D. Travel documents
3.10 Contracting States shall begin issuing only Machine Readable Passports in accordance with the specifications of Doc 9303, Part 1, no later than 1 April 2010.
Note.—This provision does not intend to preclude the issu-ance of non-machine readable passports or temporary travel documents of limited validity in cases of emergency.
3.10.1 For. passports issued after 24 November 2005 and which are not machine readable, Contracting States shall ensure the expiration date falls before 24 November 2015.
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I. Inspection of travel documents
3.31 Contracting States shall assist aircraft operators in the evaluation of travel documents presented by passengers, in order to deter fraud and abuse.
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3.33 Aircraft operators shall take necessary precautions at the point of embarkation to ensure that passengers are in possession of the documents prescribed by the States of transit and destination for control purposes as described in this chapter.

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K. Entry procedures and responsibilities
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3.46 The public authorities of each Contracting State shall seize fraudulent, falsified or counterfeit travel docu-ments. The public authorities shall also seize the travel docu-ments of a person impersonating the rightful holder of the travel document. Such documents shall be removed from circulation immediately and returned to the appropriate auth-orities of the State named as issuer or to the resident Diplomatic Mission of that State.
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本文链接地址:Security Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation(26)