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时间:2011-11-23 09:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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3.1.5 Each Contracting State shall establish a national aviation security committee or similar arrangements for the purpose of coordinating security activities between the depart-ments, agencies and other organizations of the State, airport and aircraft operators and other entities concerned with or responsible for the implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation security programme.
3.1.6 Each Contracting State shall require the appropriate authority to ensure the development and implementation of a national training programme for personnel of all entities involved with or responsible for the implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation security programme. This training programme shall be designed to ensure the effective-ness of the national civil aviation security programme.
3.1.7 Recommendation.— Each Contracting State should ensure that trainers and training programmes meet standards defined by the appropriate authority.
3.1.8 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the appropriate authority arranges for the supporting resources and facilities required by the aviation security services to be available at each airport serving civil aviation.
3.1.9 Each Contracting State shall make available to its airport and aircraft operators operating in its territory and other entities concerned, a written version of the appropriate parts of its national civil aviation security programme and/or relevant information or guidelines enabling them to meet the require-ments of the national civil aviation security programme.
3.2 Airport operations
3.2.1 Each Contracting State shall require each airport serving civil aviation to establish, implement and maintain a written airport security programme appropriate to meet the requirements of the national civil aviation security programme.
3.2.2 Each Contracting State shall ensure that an auth-ority at each airport serving civil aviation is responsible for coordinating the implementation of security controls.
3.2.3 Each Contracting State shall ensure that an airport security committee at each airport serving civil aviation is established to assist the authority mentioned under 3.2.2 in its role of coordinating the implementation of security controls and procedures as specified in the airport security programme.
3.2.4 Each Contracting State shall ensure that airport design requirements, including architectural and infrastructure-related requirements necessary for the implementation of the security measures in the national civil aviation security pro-gramme, are integrated into the design and construction of new facilities and alterations to existing facilities at airports.

3.3 Aircraft operators
3.3.1 Each Contracting State shall ensure that com-mercial air transport operators providing service from that State have established, implemented and maintained a written operator security programme that meets the requirements of the national civil aviation security programme of that State.
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本文链接地址:Security Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation(14)