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时间:2011-11-23 09:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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9.1 Aerodrome emergency planning

Introductory Note.— Aerodrome emergency planning is the process of preparing an aerodrome to cope with an emergency occurring at the aerodrome or in its vicinity. The objective of aerodrome emergency planning is to minimize the effects of an emergency, particularly in respect of saving lives and main-taining aircraft operations. The aerodrome emergency plan sets forth the procedures for coordinating the response of different aerodrome agencies (or services) and of those agencies in the surrounding community that could be of assist-ance in responding to the emergency. Guidance material to assist the appropriate authority in establishing aerodrome emergency planning is given in the Airport Services Manual, Part 7.
9.1.1 An aerodrome emergency plan shall be established at an aerodrome, commensurate with the aircraft operations and other activities conducted at the aerodrome.
9.1.2 The aerodrome emergency plan shall provide for the coordination of the actions to be taken in an emergency occurring at an aerodrome or in its vicinity.
Note.— Examples of emergencies are: aircraft emerg-encies, sabotage including bomb threats, unlawfully seized aircraft, dangerous goods occurrences, building fires and natural disasters.
9.1.3 The plan shall coordinate the response or partici-pation of all existing agencies which, in the opinion of the appropriate authority, could be of assistance in responding to an emergency.
Note.— Examples of agencies are:
— on the aerodrome: air traffic control unit, rescue and fire fighting services, aerodrome administration, medical and ambulance services, aircraft operators, security services, and police;
— off the aerodrome: fire departments, police, medical and ambulance services, hospitals, military, and harbour patrol or coast guard.
9.1.4 Recommendation.— The plan should provide for cooperation and coordination with the rescue coordination centre, as necessary.
9.1.5 Recommendation.— The aerodrome emergency plan document should include at least the following:
a) types of emergencies planned for;
b) agencies involved in the plan;
c) responsibility and role of each agency, the emergency operations centre and the command post, for each type of emergency;
d) information on names and telephone numbers of offices or people to be contacted in the case of a particular emergency; and
e) a grid map of the aerodrome and its immediate vicinity.
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Emergency operations centre and command post
9.1.7 Recommendation.— A fixed emergency operations centre and a mobile command post should be available for use during an emergency.

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9.1.8 Recommendation.— The emergency operations centre should be a part of the aerodrome facilities and should be responsible for the overall coordination and general direction of the response to an emergency.
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本文链接地址:Security Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation(30)