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时间:2010-06-25 14:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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issues and the scientific community is also to
be involved through R&D coordination, particularly
on environmental issues.
Improving the quality of life
The 5A project (Attitude towards Aircraft
Annoyance Around Airports) addresses the
issue of how aircraft noise affects quality of
life. Results are now being obtained through
the use of significant new noise indices and
an evaluation of the financial implications.
A press survey was conducted in order to get
a picture of the perception of ATM by the
general public. It revealed that, although if
ATM is not generally discussed in the
European press other than at national level,
the more the public understands about the
air traffic controller乫s job, the more balanced
their opinions when crises, such as accidents,
A study was carried out to obtain a better
undestanding of the meaning of what is
called 乪resistance to change乫 in ATM.
A method for capturing both air traffic controller
and management attitudes was
devised and will be used in 2005-2006 in
several air traffic control centres in Europe.
Several initiatives are under way or have been
仭 Work was undertaken to develop new
guidance material on noise modelling.
A harmonised source-propagation noise
model for road, rail, industrial and aircraft
noise sources has been developed.
仭 Fast-time simulations of the proposed
noise abatement procedures at Paris
Charles de Gaulle airport have been conducted,
as well as validation of the new
multi-configuration approach.
仭 The European Harmonised Aircraft Noise
Contour Modelling Environment project is
nearing completion.
仭 The CONTRAIL project initiated in 2003 in
cooperation with the European Space
Agency to study the relationship between
changes in cirrus cloud and air traffic
density has been completed.
仭 A global emissions model has been evaluated
against nearly 5,000 datasets and has
excellent compliance with ICAO criteria.
仭 A methodology for development of an airport
air-quality inventory for all emission
sources was delivered. A pilot study was
conducted for the comparison of local air
quality analysis methods at Zurich
Evaluation of the impact of new regulations andmarket-
based instruments included a study of the
side effects of air transport on EU economies. This
complemented other studies addressing direct,
indirect and induced impacts. A methodology for
collecting relevant data has been devised and
applied. A 3% increase in gross domestic product
was seen for the EU.
Research was begun in 2003 to establish an economic
evaluation of aviation noise annoyance at
local level, taking the former airport in Athens as a
case study. Further research with Aix-Marseilles
University is investigating the impact of alliances
on the airlines乫 competitive strategies, with a view
to anticipating operations in 2025.
Tools,models & simulators
Integration and delivery of the next generation of
real-time simulation facilities was completed during
The ATM Validation Experiment for Use towards
EATMS (AVENUE) programme aims to provide a
system architecture for a simulation platform
capable of supporting the large-scale demonstration
and validation initiatives of the European
Commission, EUROCONTROL and the ATM
A new version of the AVENUE-Compliant EUROCONTROL
Simulations Capability and Platform
Experimentation project (ESCAPE) uses industrybased
components, such as Flight Manager,
Trajectory Predictor and Arrival Manager and integrates
new functions required for the Datalink
Operational Validation Experiments programme,
and the CoSpace (assessing the impact of spacing
instructions) and Gate-to-Gate projects.
The eDEP (Early demonstration and Evaluation
Platform) is a low-cost, lightweight and webenabled
ATM simulator. A Tower system simulator
was added and connected to ESCAPE and used
to build the Sector Package 1 Demonstrator.
The Aircraft Performance Data Base models
99.1% of European air traffic. It is used for air traffic
simulation and trajectory prediction in air traffic
management research, modelling and strategic
planning by an active user community covering
research institutions, universities, ANSPs and ATM
industry. A web application for aircraft performance
calculation is now available, providing a flexible
output to users.
The integration of ATFM simulators into the General
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本文链接地址:EUROCONTROL Annual Report 2004(24)