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时间:2010-07-20 22:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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national practices and the relevant standards.
The following summarizes the various publications and related products in the air transport field issued
by the International Civil Aviation Organization:
International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) adopted by the Council in
accordance with Articles 37, 54 and 90 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and
designated, for convenience, as Annexes to the Convention. Annex 9 - Facilitation - contains
SARPs dealing with customs, quarantine, immigration and health matters concerned with
international air navigation. Annex 17 - Security - is composed of SARPs on all matters related
to safeguarding civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. Any differences between the
national regulations and practices of a State and what is prescribed by an International Standard
must be notified to the Council in accordance with Article 38 of the Convention. The Council has
also invited Contracting States to notify differences from the provisions of the Recommended
ICAOk policies on the regulation of international air transport, charges for airports and air
navigation services, and taxation in the field of international air transport. - Technical specifcations on machine readable travel documents (MRTDs).
Tanfls for airports and air navigation services, including charges applied towards users in more
than 180 States.
Manuak providing information or guidance to Contracting States on such issues as regulation of
international air transport, financial management of airports and air navigation services, air traffic
forecasting methods, and compliance with Annex 17 provisions.
Circulars providing specialized information of interest to Contracting States. They include studies
on medium- and long-term trends in the air transport industry at a global and regional level and
specialized studies of a worldwide nature covering issues such as the economic and financial
aspects of CNSIATM systems implementation, regional differences in airline operating economics,
economic contribution of civil aviation, privatization of airports and air navigation services, and
regulatory implications of slot allocation.
Aviation Security Daining Packages (ASTPs) and courses on a range of subjects designed to assist
security professionals, managers and staff in developing a more comprehensive understanding of
SARPs, as well as to offer specialized practical experhse in the implementation and monitoring of
measures and provisions in accordance with local programmes. For further information, please
contact avsec@,icao.int or visit the training page on the ICAO AVSEC website at www.icao.int/
Publications in electronic form, in database and interactive forms, such as the world's air services
agreements and the ICAO template air services agreements. Civil aviation statistics can be
accessed by purchasing an annual subscription to one or more of the data series distributed by
ICAO through its commercial website at www.icaodata.com. Questions regarding ICAO statistics
or special orders for statistical data should be sent to sta@icao.int.
Reports of meetings in the air transportfield, including reports on the Facilitation and Statistics
divisional-type meetings and those related to conferences on aviation security, regulation of
international air transport, and economics of airports and air navigation services.
ISBN 92-91 94-571 -4

中国航空网 www.aero.cn
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:附件9--简化手续 Facilitation(44)