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时间:2010-07-20 22:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

8.25 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
should take the necessary steps with aircraft operators,
airports, ground handling operators and travel agencies to
ensure that persons with disabilities are given the information
they need, and should take the necessary steps to ensure that
airlines, airports, ground handling operators and travel
agencies are in a position to give those passengers the assistance
necessary for them, depending on their needs, to he&
them in their travel.
8.26 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
should take all necessary steps to secure the cooperation of
aircrafl operators, airports and ground handling operators in
order to establish and coordinate training programmes to
ensure that trained personnel are available to assist persons
with disabilities.
11. Access to airports
8.27 Contracting States shall take the necessary steps to
ensure that airport facilities and services are adapted to the
needs of persons with disabilities.
8.28 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
should ensure that lijling systems or any other appropriate
devices are made available in order to facilitate the movement
of elderly and disabled passengers between the aircraft and
the terminal on both arrival and departure as required where
telescopic passageways are not used.
8.29 Recommended Practice.- Measures should be
taken to ensure that the hearing- and vision-impaired are able
to obtain flight information.
8.30 Recommended Practice.- For elderly and disabled
persons being set down or picked up at a terminal building,
reserved points should be located as close as possible to main
entrances. To facilitate movement to the various areas of the
airport, access routes should be free of obstacles.
8.3 1 Recommended Practice.- Where access to public
services is limited, every effort should be made to provide
accessible and reasonably priced ground transportation
services by adapting current and planned public transit systems
or by providing special transport services for people with
mobility needs.
8.32 Recommended Practice.- Adequate parking
facilities should be provided for people with mobility needs
and appropriate measures taken to facilitate their movement
between parking areas and the terminal buildings.
8.33 Recommended Practice.- Direct transfer from
one aircraft to another ofpassengers, particularly elderly and
disabled passengers, should be authorized, where necessary
and possible, whenever this is warranted by deadlines in
making connecting flights or by other circumstances.
111. Access to air services
8.34 Contracting States shall take the necessary steps to
ensure that persons with disabilities have adequate access to
air services.
8.35 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
should introduce provisions by which aircraft coming newly
into service or ajier major refirbishment should conform to
minimum unform standards of accessibility with respect to
equipment on board aircraft which would include movable
armrests, on-board wheelchairs, lavatories and suitable lighting
and signs.
8.36 Recommended Practice.- Wheelchairs, special
apparatus and equipment required by persons with disabilities
should be carried free of charge in the cabin where, in the
view of the aircraft operator, space and safety requirements
permit or should be designated as priority baggage. Sewice
animals accompanying passengers with disabilities should
also be carried free of charge in the cabin, subject to the
application of any relevant national or aircraft operator
Annex 9 - Facilitation Chapter 8
8.37 Recommended Practice.- In principle, persons
with disabilities should be permitted to determine whether or
not they need an escort and to travel without the requirement
for a medical clearance. However, advance notice should be
mandatory where assistance or lifring is required. Aircraft
operators should only be permitted to require passengers with
disabilities to obtain a medical clearance in cases of medical
condition where it is clear that their safety or well-being or
that of other passengers cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore,
aircraft operators should only be permitted to require an
escort when it is clear that a person with disabilities is not
self-reliant and, as such, the safety or well-being of that
person or that of another passenger cannot be guaranteed.
8.38 Recommended Practice.- I f the presence of an
escort is required, Contracting States should encourage
aircraji operators to offer discounts for the carnage of that
accompanying person.
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本文链接地址:附件9--简化手续 Facilitation(34)