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时间:2010-07-20 22:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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APPENDIX 9 . Suggested formats for documents
relating to the return of inadmissible persons .... APP 9-1
APPENDIX 10 . United Nations layout key
for trade documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 10-1
APPENDIX 1 1 . Model airport facilitation
(FAL) programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 11-1
APPENDIX 12 . Model national FAL
programme ................................ APP 12-1
Historical background provides, inter alia, that the "International Civil Aviation
Organization shall adopt and amend from time to time, as may
Standards and Recommended Practices on Facilitation were be necessary, international standards and recommended
first adopted by the Council on 25 March 1949, pursuant to the practices and procedures dealing with . . . customs and immiprovisions
of Article 37 of the Convention on International gration procedures . . . and such other matters concerned with
Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944), and designated as Annex 9 to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation as may
the Convention with the title "Standards and Recommended from time to time appear appropriate". The policy with respect
Practices - Facilitation". They became effective on to the implementation by States of the Standards and Rec-
1 September 1949. The Standards and Recommended Prac- ommended Practices on Facilitation is strengthened by
tices were based on recommendations of the First and Second Article 22 of the Convention, which expresses the obligation
Sessions of the Facilitation Division, held at Montreal in February
1946 and at Geneva in June 1948. They were expanded
and amended comprehensively as a result of subsequent
Sessions of the Division, i.e., the Third Session, held at
Buenos Aires in December 1951, the Fourth Session, held at
Manila in October 1955, the Fifth Session, held at Rome in
December 1959, the Sixth Session, held at Mexico City in
March-April 1963, the Seventh Session, held at Montreal in
May 1968, the Eighth Session, held at Dubrovnik in March
1973, the Ninth Session held at Montreal in April-May 1979,
the Tenth Session held at Montreal in September 1988 and the
Eleventh Session held in Montreal in ~ ~ r19i95l, and the
Third Meeting of the Facilitation (FAL) Panel held in Montreal
in February 2001. As a result of the Division's and FAL
Panel's Recommendations for amendment of Annex 9 and
Council's action thereon, the Second Edition of Annex 9
became effective on 1 March 1953, the Third Edition on
1 November 1956, the Fourth Edition on 1 November 1960,
the Fifth Edition on 1 April 1964, the Sixth Edition on 1 April
1969, the Seventh Edition on 15 April 1974, the Eighth
Edition on 15 July 1980, the Ninth Edition on 15 November
1990, the Tenth Edition on 30 April 1997 and the Eleventh
Edition on 15 July 2002.
accepted by each Contracting State "to adopt all practicable
measures, through the issuance of special regulations or otherwise,
to facilitate and expedite navigation by aircraft between
the territories of Contracting States, and to prevent unnecessary
delays to aircraft, crews, passengers, and cargo, especially
in the administration of the laws relating to immigration,
quarantine, customs and clearance", and by Article 23 of the
Convention, which expresses the undertaking of each Contracting
State "so far as it may find practicable, to establish
customs and immigration procedures affecting international air
navigation in accordance with the practices which may be
established or recommended fiom time to time pursuant to this
In addition to the Standards and Recommended Practices of
Annex 9, the Organization's FAL Programme is based on the
FAL Resolutions of the Assembly and B-type recommendations
of FAL Division Sessions which are those recommendations
which do not suggest amendments to the Annex provisions.
Twelfrh Edition.- The present edition incorporates, inter As indicated in Chapter 1, Section B, the Standards and
alia, provisions arising fiom the A-type recommendations of the Recommended Practices in this document apply to all
Twelfth Session of the Facilitation Division (FALl12) (Cairo,
Egypt, 22 March to 1 April 2004) on issues including Machine
Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs), the deployment of
biometric technologies in travel documents, aviation security,
travel document hud and illegal immigration, advance
passenger information, international health issues and regulations,
and assistance to aircraft accident victims and their
families. This again resulted in a comprehensive amendment of
Annex 9. This Twelfth Edition of Annex 9 became effective on
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本文链接地址:附件9--简化手续 Facilitation(4)