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时间:2010-07-20 22:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

theprovisions ofAnnexes 13 and 9 relating to the facilitation of
aircraft accident and incident investigations. In this regard,
States should recognize the need for the investigators concerned
to be able to arrange transport to the site of the accident or
incident without delay and, ifnecessary, help them to this end.
8.4 Each Contracting State shall facilitate the temporary
entry into its temtory of all aircraft, tools, spare parts and
equipment required in the search, rescue, accident investigation,
repair or salvage of the damaged aircraft of another
State. These items shall be temporarily admitted free from
customs duties and other taxes or charges and the application
of regulations of any nature restricting the importation of
Note.- It is understood that this provision does not
preclude the application ofpublic health and animal andplant
quarantine measures, if required.
8.5 Each Contracting State shall facilitate the removal
from its territory of both the damaged and any assisting
aircraft, together with tools, spare parts and equipment that
may have been brought in for search, rescue, accident investigation,
repair or salvage purposes.
8.6 Damaged aircraft or parts thereof, and any stores or
cargo contained therein, together with any aircraft, tools, spare
parts or equipment brought in for temporary use in search,
rescue, accident investigation, repair or salvage, which are not
removed from the temtory of the Contracting State within a
length of time to be specified by that State, shall be subject to
the requirements of the applicable laws of the State concerned.
8.7 If, in connection with an aircraft accident investigation,
it becomes necessary to send a part, or parts, of a
damaged aircraft to another Contracting State for technical
examination or testing, each Contracting State concerned shall
ensure that the movement of such part, or parts, is effected
without delay. The Contracting States concerned shall likewise
facilitate the return of such part, or parts, to the State instituting
the accident investigation should the latter State require
them in order to complete the investigation.
C. Relief flights following natural and
man-made disasters which seriously endanger
human health or the environment, and
similar emergency situations where
United Nations (UN) assistance is required
8.8 Contracting States shall facilitate the entry into,
departure from and transit through their territories of aircraft
ANNEX 9 8-1 24/11/05
Annex 9 - Facilitation Chapter 8
engaged in relief flights performed by or on behalf of international
organizations recognized by the UN or by or on behalf
of States themselves and shall take all possible measures to
ensure their safe operation. Such relief flights are those undertaken
in response to natural and man-made disasters which
seriously endanger human health or the environment, as well
as similar emergency situations where UN assistance is
required. Such flights shall be commenced as quickly as
possible after obtaining agreement with the recipient State.
Note 1.- According to its Internationally Agreed Glossary
of Basic Terms, the United Nations Department of Humanitarian
Aflairs considers an emergency to be "a sudden and
usually unforeseen event that calls for immediate measures to
minimize its adverse consequences", and a disaster to be "a
serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing
widespread human, material or environmental losses which
exceed the ability of the aflected society to cope using only its
own resources".
Note 2.- With respect to the application of measures to
ensure the safe operation of reliefjights, attention is drawn to
Annex 11 - Air Traff~c Services, the Manual Concerning
Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities Potentially
Hazardous to Civil Aircraft Operations (Doc 9554) and the
Manual concerning Interception of Civil Aircraft (Doc 9433).
8.9 Contracting States shall ensure that personnel and
articles arriving on relief flights referred to in 8.8 are cleared
without delay.
D. Marine pollution and safety
emergency operations
8.13 Recommended Practice.- In cases where epidemiological
conditions permit and it will result in reducing
or eliminating the number of sanitary measures required,
Contracting States should, pursuant to Article 85, paragraphs
I and I d) of the International Health Regulations,
Third Annotated Edition (1983). combine their territories or
make agreements for the pulpose of sanitary control.
8.14 Contracting States shall take all possible measures to
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