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时间:2010-07-20 22:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

travel documents to facilitate the return of one of its nationals,
respond within a reasonable period of time and not more than
30 days after such a request was made either by issuing a
travel document or by satisfying the requesting State that the
person concemed is not one of its nationals.
Chapter 5 Annex 9 - Facilitation
5.27 A Contracting State shall not make the signing by the request, the State shall issue an emergency travel document
the person concerned of an application for a travel document that attests to the nationality of the person concerned and that
a prerequisite for the issuance of that document. is valid for readmission to that State.
5.28 When a Contracting State has determined that a 5.29 A Contracting State shall not refuse to issue a travel
person for whom a travel document has been requested is one document to or otherwise thwart the return of one of its
of its nationals but cannot issue a passport within 30 days of nationals by rendering that person stateless.
A. General
6.1 Contracting States shall ensure that the provisions of
Annex 9 continue to be implemented in the event an airport
becomes privatized.
6.1.1 Contracting States shall take all necessary steps to
secure the cooperation of aircraft operators and airport
operators in ensuring that satisfactory facilities and services
are provided for rapid handling and clearance of passengers,
crew, baggage, cargo and mail at their international airports.
Such facilities and services shall be flexible and capable of
expansion to meet anticipated growth in traffic volume, or
increased security measures during higher threat situations,
while permitting appropriate narcotics control measures.
N o t e . With respect to the application of aviation security
measures, attention is drawn to the relevant specification in
Annex 17, Chapter 2. *
6.2 Contracting States shall take all necessary steps to
encourage consultations between the airport operator on the
one hand and aircraft operators, control authorities and appropriate
bodies representing other airport users on the other at
the earliest stage when planning new or substantially modified
terminal buildings or when new procedures require changes in
facilities, including changes of layout within existing facilities,
at their international airports.
6.3 Contracting States shall take all necessary steps to
secure the cooperation of aircraft operators and airport
operators in ensuring that the facilities and services at their
international airports are designed in such a way as to provide
the best possible airport traffic flow arrangements.
6.3.1 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
whose international airports experience traffic peaking problems
should, in accordance with appropriate procedures for
coordination of schedules at airports, indicate to the appropriate
airlines operating scheduled and non-scheduledflights,
well in advance of the recognized traffic seasons, any restrictions
that may apply in order to match the traffic and the
airport capacify.
* The specification reads as follows:
6.4 Recommended Practice.- Where a passenger service
charge is levied at an international airport and its collection
fiom passengers gives rise to facilitation problems, this charge
should be levied. where practicable, following consultation and
advance notice, on the aircraft operators which should in turn
recover the charge fiom passengers in such a way that the
necessity for additional queuing at the a i p r t is avoided.
6.5 Recommended Practice.- Whenever possible, the
use of credit cards should be acceptable as a means of payment
for services rendered, including duties and taxes, at
international airports.
6.6 Recommended Practice.- It is recommended that
aircraft operators, in agreement with, and subject to
reasonable limitations which may be imposed by, the airport
operators, be ofered the choice of providing their own
services for ground handling operations, or the option of
having such operations perfoimed entirely, or in part, by an
organization controlled by another aircraft operator
authorized by the airport operator, or by the airport operator,
or by a servicing agent approved by the airport operator.
B. Airport traffic flow arrangements
I. Common provisions
6.7 Contracting States shall ensure that particular attention
is given to the need for adequate facilities to be available at all
times at international airports and that appropriate measures are
adopted to permit embarkation and disembarkation of passengers
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