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时间:2010-07-20 22:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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F. Entrylreentry visas
3.19 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
should waive or abolish, for a maximum number of States, the
requirement for an entry visa for nationals seeking entry as
3.20 Contracting States shall not require visas for re-entry
from their own nationals.
3.2 1 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
should not require visas for re-entryfi-om their resident aliens
who hold lawfwl permanent residence permits.
3.22 Contracting States shall establish simple and transparent
application procedures for the issuance of entry visas
for prospective visitors and shall ensure that applications for
such visas are acted upon as quickly as possible after receipt.
3.23 Recommended Practice.- Ksa issuance procedures
3.14 States transparent appli- should not normally require the applicant to make a personal
cation procedures for the issuance, renewal or replacement of appe,ance at the issuing
passports and shall make information describing their requirements
available to prospective applicants upon request. 3.24 When issuing entry visas to prospective visitors,
Contracting States shall normally provide that such visas be
3.14.1 Recommended Practice.- Zf any fee is charged valid for use within a period of at least six months from the
for the issue or renewal of a passport, the amount of such fee date of issue regardless of the number of entries and with the
should not exceed the cost of the operation. understanding that the duration of each stay may be limited.
3.15 Contracting States shall issue a separate passport to 3.25 Recommended Practice.- When issuing visas that
each person, regardless of age. are not machine readable, Contracting States should ensure
that the uersonal and issuance data in such documents conform
to the specijications for the visual zone of the machine
3.16 Recommended Practice.- When issuing passports readable visa, as set forth in D~~ 9303, part 2 - Machine
for tourism or business travel, Contracting States should Readable Visas.
normally provide that such passports be valid for a period of
at least five years, for an unlimited number ofjourneys and for
travel to all States and territories.
G EmbarkationlDisembarkation Cards
Note I. - In consideration of the limited durability of
documents and the changing appearance of the passport 3.26 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
holder over time, a validi~~erioofd n ot more than ten years should not require either from visitors travelling by air, or
is recommended. from aircrajl operators on their behalj: identijkation information
in writing supplementary to that presented in their identity
~ o t2e.- ~mergen~dyip, lomatic, official and other special documents. Where the collection of identity information is
purpose passports could have a shorter validity period. required, Contracting States should develop systems for the
electronic capture of this information from machine readable
travel documents or other sources.
E. Exit visas 3.27 A Contracting State that requires a written record of
personal data from visitors arriving or departing by air shall
3.17 Contracting States shall not require exit visas from limit its infomation requirements to those set forth in
their own nationals wishing to tour abroad nor from visitors at ~ ~5 - Em~barkation~/Disemb~arkation dcard. i ~
the end of their stay.
3.28 Contracting States, when requiring EmbadcationlDis-
3.1 8 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States should embarkation Cards, shall accept their completion by visitors
not require exit visasfi-om their resident aliens wishing to tour and shall not require them to be completed or checked by the
abroad. aircraft operator.
Chapter 3 Annex 9 - Facilitation
3.29 Contracting States that require the presentation of
EmbarkationIDisembarkation Cards shall provide them to
airline operators or their travel agents, without charge, for
distribution to departing passengers prior to embarkation or to
arriving passengers during the flight.
H. Certificates of vaccination
3.30 In cases where evidence of protection against a
quarantinable disease is required, Contracting States shall
accept the International Certificate of Vaccination or Revaccination
form prescribed by the World Health Organization in
the International Health Regulations.
I. Inspection of travel documents
3.31 Contracting States shall assist aircraft operators in
the evaluation of travel documents presented by passengers, in
order to deter fraud and abuse.
3.32 Recommended Practice.- Contracting States
should consider making arrangements with other Contracting
States to permit the positioning of liaison oflcers at airports
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