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时间:2010-07-14 23:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Comprehension is often
accurate on common,
concrete, and workrelated
topics when the
accent or variety used is
sufficiently intelligible
for an international
community of users.
May fail to understand a
linguistic or situational
complication or an
unexpected turn of
Responses are sometimes
immediate, appropriate,
and informative. Can
initiate and maintain
exchanges with
reasonable ease on
familiar topics and in
predictable situations.
Generally inadequate
when dealing with an
unexpected turn of
Pronunciation, stress,
rhythm, and intonation
are heavily influenced by
the first language or
regional variation and
usually interfere with
ease of understanding.
Shows only limited
control of a few simple
memorized grammatical
structures and sentence
Limited vocabulary
range consisting only of
isolated words and
memorized phrases.
Can produce very short,
isolated, memorized
utterances with frequent
pausing and a distracting
use of fillers to search
for expressions and to
articulate less familiar
Comprehension is
limited to isolated,
memorized phrases when
they are carefully and
slowly articulated.
Response time is slow
and often inappropriate.
Interaction is limited to
simple routine
Performs at a level below
the Elementary level.
Performs at a level below
the Elementary level.
Performs at a level below
the Elementary level.
Performs at a level below
the Elementary level.
Performs at a level below
the Elementary level.
Performs at a level below
the Elementary level.
ANNEX 1 ATT B-1 23/11/06
1. Core flying skills
The level of competency at which the applicant shall have
complied with the requirements for the private pilot licence
specified in Chapter 2, 2.3, including night flight requirements,
and, in addition, have completed, smoothly and with
accuracy, all procedures and manoeuvres related to upset
training and flight with reference solely to instruments. From
the outset, all training is conducted in an integrated multicrew,
competency-based and threat and error management
(TEM) environment. Initial training and instructional input
levels are high as core skills are being embedded in the
ab initio application. Assessment at this level confirms that
control of the aeroplane is maintained at all times in a manner
such that the successful outcome of a procedure or a
manoeuvre is assured.
2. Level 1 (Basic)
The level of competency at which assessment confirms that
control of the aeroplane or situation is maintained at all times
and in such a manner that if the successful outcome of a procedure
or manoeuvre is in doubt, corrective action is taken.
Performance in the generic cockpit environment does not yet
consistently meet the Standards of knowledge, operational
skills and level of achievement required in the core competencies.
Continual training input is required to meet an acceptable
initial operating standard. Specific performance improvement/
personal development plans will be agreed and the details
recorded. Applicants will be continuously assessed as to their
suitability to progress to further training and assessment in
successive phases.
3. Level 2 (Intermediate)
The level of competency at which assessment confirms that
control of the aeroplane or situation is maintained at all times
and in such a manner that the successful outcome of a procedure
or manoeuvre is assured. The training received at Level
2 shall be conducted under the instrument flight rules, but need
not be specific to any one type of aeroplane. On completion of
Level 2, the applicant shall demonstrate levels of knowledge
and operational skills that are adequate in the environment and
achieves the basic standard in the core capability. Training
support may be required with a specific development plan to
maintain or improve aircraft handling, behavioural performance
in leadership or team management. Improvement and development
to attain the Standard is the key performance objective.
Any core competency assessed as less than satisfactory should
include supporting evidence and a remedial plan.
4. Level 3 (Advanced)
The level of competency required to operate and interact as a copilot
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