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时间:2010-07-14 23:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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the Licensing Authority.
5.2 The training organization shall have, or have access
to, the necessary information, equipment, training devices and
material to conduct the courses for which it is approved.
5.3 Synthetic training devices shall be qualified according
to requirements established by the State and their use shall be
approved by the Licensing Authority to ensure that they are
appropriate to the task.
Note.— The Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of
Flight Simulators (Doc 9625) provides guidance on the
approval of flight simulators.
6. Personnel
6.1 The training organization shall nominate a person
responsible for ensuring that it is in compliance with the
requirements for an approved organization.
6.2 The organization shall employ the necessary personnel
to plan, perform and supervise the training to be
6.3 The competence of instructional personnel shall be in
accordance with procedures and to a level acceptable to the
Licensing Authority.
6.4 The training organization shall ensure that all instructional
personnel receive initial and continuation training
appropriate to their assigned tasks and responsibilities. The
training programme established by the training organization
shall include training in knowledge and skills related to human
Note.— Guidance material to design training programmes
to develop knowledge and skills in human performance can be
found in the Human Factors Training Manual (Doc 9683).
7. Records
7.1 The training organization shall retain detailed student
records to show that all requirements of the training course
have been met as agreed by the Licensing Authority.
7.2 The training organization shall maintain a system for
recording the qualifications and training of instructional and
examining staff, where appropriate.
7.3 The records required by 7.1 shall be kept for a minimum
period of two years after completion of the training. The
records required by 7.2 shall be retained for a minimum period
of two years after the instructor or examiner ceases to perform
a function for the training organization.
8. Oversight
Contracting States shall maintain an effective oversight
programme of the approved training organization to ensure
continuing compliance with the approval requirements.
9. Evaluation and checking
When a State has authorized an approved training organization
to conduct the testing required for the issuance of a licence or
rating, the testing shall be conducted by personnel authorized
by the Licensing Authority or designated by the training
organization in accordance with criteria approved by the
Licensing Authority.
ANNEX 1 APP 3-1 23/11/06
(Chapter 2, Section 2.5, refers)
1. Training
1.1 In order to meet the requirements of the multi-crew
pilot licence in the aeroplane category, the applicant shall have
completed an approved training course. The training shall be
competency-based and conducted in a multi-crew operational
1.2 During the training, the applicant shall have acquired
the knowledge, skills and attitudes required as the underpinning
attributes for performing as a co-pilot of a turbine-powered air
transport aeroplane certificated for operation with a minimum
crew of at least two pilots.
2. Assessment level
The applicant for the multi-crew pilot licence in the aeroplane
category shall have satisfactorily demonstrated performance in
all the nine competency units specified in 3, at the advanced
level of competency as defined in Attachment B.
Note.— The training scheme for the multi-crew pilot licence
in the aeroplane category, including the various levels of competency
are contained in the Procedures for Air Navigation
Services — Training (PANS-TRG, Doc 9868).
3. Competency units
The nine competency units that an applicant has to demonstrate
in accordance with Chapter 2,, are as follows:
1) apply threat and error management (TEM) principles;
2) perform aeroplane ground operations;
3) perform take-off;
4) perform climb;
5) perform cruise;
6) perform descent;
7) perform approach;
8) perform landing; and
9) perform after-landing and aeroplane post-flight
Note 1.— Competency units are broken down into their
constituent elements, for which specific performance criteria
have been defined. Competency elements and performance
criteria are contained in the Procedures for Air Navigation
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