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时间:2010-07-14 23:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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organization can be found in the Manual on the Approval of
Flight Crew Training Organizations (Doc 9841).
1.2.9 Language proficiency Aeroplane, airship, helicopter and powered-lift
pilots and those flight navigators who are required to use the
radio telephone aboard an aircraft shall demonstrate the ability
to speak and understand the language used for radiotelephony
Note.— Pursuant to Article 42 of the Convention on International
Civil Aviation, paragraph does not apply to
personnel whose licences are originally issued prior to
5 March 2004 but, in any case, does apply to personnel whose
licences remain valid after 5 March 2008. Air traffic controllers and aeronautical station
operators shall demonstrate the ability to speak and understand
the language used for radiotelephony communications. Recommendation.— Flight engineers, and glider
and free balloon pilots should have the ability to speak and
understand the language used for radiotelephony communications. As of 5 March 2008, aeroplane, airship, helicopter
and powered-lift pilots, air traffic controllers and aeronautical
station operators shall demonstrate the ability to speak
and understand the language used for radiotelephony communications
to the level specified in the language proficiency
requirements in Appendix 1. Recommendation.— Aeroplane, airship, helicopter
and powered-lift pilots, flight navigators required to use
the radiotelephone aboard an aircraft, air traffic controllers
and aeronautical station operators should demonstrate the
ability to speak and understand the language used for radiotelephony
communications to the level specified in the language
proficiency requirements in Appendix 1. As of 5 March 2008, the language proficiency of
aeroplane, airship, helicopter and powered-lift pilots, air traffic
controllers and aeronautical station operators who demonstrate
proficiency below the Expert Level (Level 6) shall be formally
evaluated at intervals in accordance with an individual’s
demonstrated proficiency level. Recommendation.— The language proficiency
of aeroplane, airship, helicopter and powered-lift pilots, flight
navigators required to use the radiotelephone aboard an aircraft,
air traffic controllers and aeronautical station operators
who demonstrate proficiency below the Expert Level (Level 6)
should be formally evaluated at intervals in accordance with
an individual’s demonstrated proficiency level, as follows:
a) those demonstrating language proficiency at the Operational
Level (Level 4) should be evaluated at least once
every three years; and
b) those demonstrating language proficiency at the Extended
Level (Level 5) should be evaluated at least once every six
Note 1.— Formal evaluation is not required for applicants
who demonstrate expert language proficiency, e.g. native and
very proficient non-native speakers with a dialect or accent
intelligible to the international aeronautical community.
Note 2.— The provisions of 1.2.9 refer to Annex 10,
Volume II, Chapter 5, whereby the language used for radiotelephony
communications may be the language normally used
by the station on the ground or English. In practice, therefore,
there will be situations whereby flight crew members will only
need to speak the language normally used by the station on the
ANNEX 1 2-1 23/11/06
2.1 General rules concerning pilot
licences and ratings
2.1.1 General licensing specifications A person shall not act either as pilot-in-command
or as co-pilot of an aircraft in any of the following categories
unless that person is the holder of a pilot licence issued in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter:
— aeroplane
— airship of a volume of more than 4 600 cubic metres
— free balloon
— glider
— helicopter
— powered-lift. The category of aircraft shall be included in the
title of the licence itself, or endorsed as a category rating on
the licence. When the holder of a pilot licence seeks a licence
for an additional category of aircraft, the Licensing Authority
shall either:
a) issue the licence holder with an additional pilot licence
for that category of aircraft; or
b) endorse the original licence with the new category
rating, subject to the conditions of 2.1.2.
Note.— The requirements for category ratings are given in
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本文链接地址:附件1--Personal Licensing(14)