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时间:2010-07-17 21:54来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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presented to he nearest decibel (dB) in tabular form. with
supplementary graphical presentations as appropriate. Sound
pressure levels shwld be corrected. if necessary, for the
presence of high ambient noise. No corrections are needed if
a sound pressure level is 10 dB or more above ambient noise.
For sound pressure levels between 3 and 10 dB above
ambient noise, measud values should be corrected for
ambient noise by logarithmic subtraction of levels. If sound
pressure levels do not exceed ambient noise by as much as
3 dB. Ilrc ~[rernu~cvcnl lucs nlny bt: adju~edb y IIICI~\S or a
method agreed to by the certificating authority. Accustical data need not be normalized for
atmospheric absorption losses. Test results should be reported
under the actual test-day meteomlogical conditions.
4.5 Data reporting
4.5.1 Identification information
a) Test location, date and time of test.
b) Manufacturer and model of the APU and pertinent
associated equipment.
c) Aircrtlfl type, mtmufncturcr, &I ad air rcgiatry
d) Plan and elevation views, as appropriate, of the
aircrafi outline showing location of the APU (including
inlet and exhaust ports), all associated equipment, and
all acoustical measuremen1 stations.
4.4.3 Meteorological measurement locations
4.5.2 Test site description
Meteorological data should be measured a1 a location at the
test site within the microphone m y of Figure G2, but
upwind of the aircraft and at a height of 1.6 m (5.25 fi)
above ground level.
4.4.4 Data presentation A-weighted sound levels should be calculated
by applying frequency weighting corrections derived from the
standards for precision sor~nrl Icvel meters (rtference 10) to
one-third or one octave hand sound pressure levels. The one
octave band sound pressure levels may be determined from
a) Type and location of ground surfaces.
b) Location and extent of any above-ground-level reflective
surfaces. such as buildings or other aircraft, that
might have been present in spite of the precautions
noted in 4.2.2.
4.5.3 Mereorological data fir each
tesi condition)
a) W~nd specd. kmlh (kt) and direction, degces. relative to
arrcraft centre line (forward 0').
ATT C-5 2411 1/05
Annex 16 - Envltonmeru~Pl roleclion volume I
b) Ambient temperature OC. 4.6 References
C) Retat~vc hurnidity, per ccnt.
dl Barnmetric pressure. hPa.
4.5.4 Operntional data (for each
resr conditiorr)
a) Number of a~r-conditio~litpli~ac ks opex'alcll and tkr~ulocations.
b) APU shah speed($). rpm or percentage of n m a l rated.
c) APU normal ratcd shaft speed. rpm.
d) APU shah load (kW). horsepower andlor electric power
output. kVA.
e) Pncumntic load. kglmin dclivcrcd by APU to all
pncurnatically operated aircrafi systems during the test
(calculated as requ~red).
f ) Tenrperature of APU exhuust gas at locat~ons pecified In
aucrafi's approved operations lnanual. 'C.
g) Operating mode of environmental confrol sysrern.
cmling or heating
h) Air conditioning distribution system supply duct
temperdturc, 'C.
i) Events occurring during the test which may have
influenced the rnensuremcnts.
a) A briri description (including manufacturer and or
model nmnbers) of the acoust~cal and meteorological
measunng instruments.
b) A brtefdescnpt~on( including ~nanufacturcra nd type or
model numbers) of the data acquisition and &la
proccssi ng systems.
4.5.6 Acoustical data
n) Ambient noise.
b) Acoustical data specified m 4 4.4 with n dcscriptton of
companding microphone iocations.
c) List of standards used and dcscriprlon and reason for
any deviations.
Related standard for insmmncnts and rnenswement proccdurcs
1, hrtct-rrationol El~~citwi~~chnilc/o~la huluq:2 nd Edit ion.
IEC-50(08) ( 1960).
3. Exgr.e.rsion ojr lie Phjxical old Sirhjec~iveM ugnitrides of
Sound or hroise. ISO- 13 1 (1 959).
4. Acou~~ic-- s Pury/rred Reference Quonriries lor Acorr.cric
I.aveb. IS0 DlS 1638.2.
5. Guide to the Meosrrrement of Acoits~ic-al Noire or~d
Evuluation of its Effects on Mu,), 1SO-2204 (1 973).
6. PI'~L.~i .MFeItOho~t! for F)~.fsurCe ~jlil)~'utioofn One-itrctt
Stmrcla~ul Condetz~er Microphone bj. the Reciprocig.
Tcchii1q1~I,E C-327 ( 197 1 ).
7. P~ecision Melhod,for Free Field Calibraiion of One-inch
Staridaid Conde~ser Microphone by the Rec@wocrt)'
Tecl~~iiquIeE. C486 (1 974).
8. Values for /Ire Diflereirce henveen Free Field und Pressure
Seir\-i/ivr~y Lrr,els for One-irr ch SrurldurJ Conderrser
Micmphone. I EC-655 ( 1 979).
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