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时间:2010-07-17 21:54来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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changes in noise can open be established reliably without the
necessity of resorting to a complete test as outlined in this
appendix. For this reason cert~ficatinga uthorities are encouraged
to permit the use of appropriate "equivalent proc
e d u r e s " . ~t~he~re~ a,r e eqlrivalent procedures that may be
used in full certijcation tests, in the interest of reducing costs
and providing reliable results. Guidance material on the use of
equivalent procedures in the noise certification of s~rbsonicje t
ueroylurre~i ~p ruvided in the Envirorunental Technical Manual
on the Use of Procedures in the Noise Certification of Aircraft
(Doc 9501).
2.2 General test conditions
2.2.1 Tests to show compliance with established noise
certification levels shall consist of a series of take-offs and
landings during which measurements shall be taken at the
measuring points specified by the certificating authority. These
points are typically:
a) the flyover noise measurement point;'
b) the approach noise measurement point; and
c) the lateral noise measurement point(s),2
which for noise certification purposes are specified in Part 11,
Chapter 2, 2.3. To ensure that the maximum subjective noise
level along the lateral is obtained, a sufficient number of lateral
stations shall be used. To establish whether any asymmetry
exists in the noise field at least one measuring station shall be
located along the alternative lateral. On each test take-off
simultaneous measurements shall be made at the lateral
measuring points on both sides of the runway and also at the
take-off flyover measuring point.
2.1 General
This section prescribes the conditions under which noise
certification tests shall be conducted and the measurement pro- 1. Sometimes referred to as the take-off noise measurement point.
cedures that shalt be nsd. 2. Sometimes referred to as the sideline measurement point(s).
ANNEX 16 - VOLUME I APP 1-1 24/11/05
Annex 16 - Environmental Protection Volume I
2.2.2 Locations for measuring noise from an aeroplane
in flight shall be surrounded by relatively flat terrain having
no excessive sound absorption characteristics such as might
be caused by thick, matted or tall grass, shrubs or wooded
areas. No obstructions which significantly influence the sound
field from the aeroplane shall exist within a conical space
above the measurement position, the cone being defined by
an axis normal to the ground and by a half-angle 75" from
this axis. If the height of the ground at any measuring point
differs from that of the nearest point on the runway by more
than 6 m (20 ft), corrections shall be made.
Note.- Those people carrying out the measurements could
themselves constitute such obstructions.
2.2.3 The tests shall be carried out under the following
atmospheric conditions:
a) no precipitation;
b) relative humidity not higher than 90 per cent or lower
than 30 per cent;
c) ambient temperature not above 30°C and not below 2OC
at 10 m (33 fi) above ground;
d) average wind not above 19 km/b (10 kt) and average
crosswind component not above 9 km/h (5 kt) at 10 m
(33 ft) above ground. A 30-second averaging period
spanning the 10 dB-down time interval is recommended;
2.3.4 The aeroplane position along the flight path shall
be related to the noise recorded at the noise measurement
locations by means of synchronizing signals. The position of
the aeroplane shall be recorded relative to the runway from a
point at least 7.4 km (4 NM) from threshold during the
approach and at least 11 km (6 NM) from the start of roll
during take-off.
2.3.5 If the take-off test is conducted at a mass different
from the maximum take-off mass at which noise certification
is requested, the necessary EPNL correction shall not exceed
2 EPNdB. If the approach test is conducted at a mass different
from the maximum landing mass at which noise certification
is requested, the EPNL correction shall not exceed 1 EPNdE3.
Data approved by thc ccrtificating authority shall bc used to
determine the variation of EPNL with mass for both take-off
and approach test conditions.
2.4 Measurements
2.4.1 Position and performance data required to make the
corrections referred to in Section 5 of this appendix shall be
automatically recorded at an approved sampling rate. The
position of the aeroplane shall be recorded relative to the runway
from a point at least 7.4 km (4 NM) from threshold to
touchdown during the approach and at least 11 krn (6 NM)
from the start of roll during the take-off. Measuring equipment
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