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时间:2010-07-17 21:54来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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flight YF
Figure A1-5. Comparison of measured and corrected take-off profiles
APP 1-29
Annex 16 - Environmental Protection Volume I
Measured F
Figure A1-6. Take-off profile characteristics influencing sound level
1 Approach measurement distance 4
7.4 km minimum
Figure A1-7. Measured approach profile
APP 1-30
Appendix I Annex 16 - Environmental Protection
Figure A1-8. Comparison of measured and corrected approach profiles
Figure A1-9. Approach profile characteristics influencing sound level
APP 1-31
Annex I6 - Environmentaf Protection
I Test Maximum
Aeroplane take-off mass
A 1 A3 4
Volume I
Figure Al-10. Take-off mass correction for EPNL
Figure Al-11. Approach mass correction for EPNL
APP 1-32
Test Maximum
Aeroplane landing mass
Appendix 1 Annex 16 - Environmental Protection
Figure Al-12. Approach angle correction for EPNL
EPNL The corrected values of SPL.(i), shall then be
converted to PNLT and a correction term calculated as follows:
Angle of approach, q
' l r
which represents the correction to be added algebraically to
the EPNL calculated fiom the measured data.
Test Approach
The same procedure shall be used for the approach flight path
except that the values for SPL(i), relate to the approach noise
paths shown in Figure A1 -9 as follows:
SPL(i), = SPL(i) + 0.01 [a@ - a(i),l NS
+ 0.01 a(i), (NS - NS,.)
+ 20 log (NSNS,)
where NS and NS, are the measured and reference approach
noise paths, respectively. The remainder of the procedure shall
be the same as for the take-off flight path.
where LX shall be the measured lateral noise path tkom
station L (Figure A1-4) to position X of the aeroplane for
which PNLTM is observed at station L. Only the correction
term accounting for the effects of change in atmospheric sound
absorption shall be considered. The difference between the
measured and corrected noise path lengths shall be assumed
negligible for the lateral flight path. The remainder of the
procedure shall be the same as for the take-off flight path.
9.5 Duration correction
9.5.1 Whenever the measured take-off and approach flight
paths differ fiom the corrected and reference flight paths,
respectively, duration corrections to the EPNL values calculated
h mth e measured data shall be applied. These corrections shall
be calculated as described below: Lateral
The same procedure shall be used for the lateral flight path
except that the values for SPL(i), relate only to the measured
lateral noise path as follows:
Referring to the take-off flight path shown in Figure A 1-6, a
correction term shall be calculated as follows:
A2 = -7.5 log (KRIKR,)
APP 1-33
Annex 16 - Environmental Protection Volume I
which represents the conections to be added algebraically to
the EPNL calculated ffom the measured data. The lengths KR
and KR, shall be the measured and corrected take-off minimum
distances, respectively, from the noise measuring station
K to the measured and corrected flight paths. The negative
sign shall indicate that, for the particular case of a duration
correction, the EPNL calculated from the measured data shall
be reduced if the measured flight path is at a greater altitude
than the corrected flight path. Approach
The same procedure shall be used for thc approach flight path
except that the conection relates to the approach minimum
distances shown in Figure A1-9 as follows:
A2 = -7.5 log (NT/NT,)
where NT is the measured approach minimum distance from
the noise measuring station N to the measured flight path. Lateral
No duration correction shall be computed for the lateral flight
path because the differences between the measured and
corrected flight paths are assumed negligible.
9.6 Mass correction
Whenever the aeroplane mass, during either the noise
certification take-off or approach test, is different from the
corresponding maximum take-off or landing mass, a correction
shall be applied to the EPNL value calculated from
the measured data. The corrections shall be determined from
the manufacturer's data (approved by the certificating authority)
in the form of tables or curves such as schematically
indicated in Figures A1-10 and Al-1 1. The manufacturer's
data shall be applicable to the noise certification reference
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