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时间:2010-07-17 21:54来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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~ ( b ~) ,( c )et,c . -
Noy inverse slope. The reciprocals of the slopes of straight lines representing the variation of SPL with log n.
Perceived noismess. The perceived noisiness at any instant of time that occurs in a specified frequency range.
Perceived noisiness. The perceived noisiness at the k-th instant of time that occurs in the i-th one-third octave
Muximum perceived noisiness. The maximum value of all of the 24 values of n(i) that occurs at the k-th instant
of time.
Total perceived noisiness. The total perceived noisiness at the k-th instant of time calculated from the
24 instantaneous values of n(i,k).
Noy slope. The slopes of straight hues representing the variation of SPL with log n
Perceived noise level. The perceived noise level at any instant of time. (The unit PNdB is used instead of the
unit dB.)
APP 1-14
Appendix I
Annex 16 - Environmental Protection
Perceived noise level. The perceived noise level calculaiad from the 24 values of SPL(i,k) at the k-th increment
of time. (The unit PNdB is used instead of the unit dB.)
PNdB Maximum perceived noise level. The maximum value of PNL(k). (The unit PNdB is used instead of the unit dB.)
TPNdB Tone corrected perceived noise level. The value of PNL adjusted for the spectral irregularities that occur at any
instant of time. (The unit TPNdB is used instead of the unit dB.)
TPNdB Tone corrected perceived noire level. The value of PNL(k) adjusted for the spectral irregularities that occur at
the k-th increment of time. (The unit TPNdB is used instead of the unit dB.)
PNLTM TPNdB Maximum tone corrected perceived noise level. The maximum value of PNLT(k). (The unit TPNdB is used
instead of the unit dB.)
Slope of soundpressure level. The change in level between adjacent one-third octave band sound pressure levels
at the i-th band for the k-th instant of time.
AHi. k)
sf (i, k)
Change in slope of sound pressure level.
Adjusted slope of sound pressure level. The change in level between adjacent adjusted one-third octave band
sound pressure levels at the I-th band for the k-th instant of time.
S(i, k)
Average slope of sound pressure level.
Soundpressure level. The sound pressure level at any instant of time that occurs in a specified frequency range.
Noy discontinuity coordinate. The SPL value of the intersection point of the straight lines representing the
variation of SPL with log n.
Noy intercept. The intercepts on the SPLaxis of the straight lines representing the variation of SPL with log n.
Soundpmsure level. The sound pressure level at the k-th instant of time that occurs in the i-th one-third octave
Adjusred sound pressure level. The first approximation to background sound pressure level in the i-th one-third
octave band for the k-th instant of time.
Maximum sound pressure level. The sound pressure level that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band of the
spectrum for PNLTM.
Corrected maximum soundpressure level. The sound pressure level that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band
of the spectrum for PNLTM corrected for atmospheric sound absorption.
Final background soundpressure level. The second and final approximation to background sound pressure level
in the i-th one-third octave band for the k-th instant of time.
t Elapsed time. The length of time measured from a reference zero,
t l , t2
flme limit. The beginning and end of the significant noise time history defined by h.
7ime increment. The equal increments of time for which PNL(k) and PNLT(k) are calculated.
Normalizing time constant. The length of time used as a reference in the integration method for computing
duration corrections, where T = 10 s.
Temperature. The ambient atmospheric temperature.
Test atmospheric absorption. The atmospheric attenuation of sound that occurs in the i-th one-third octave band
for the measured atmospheric temperature and relative humidity.
APP 1-15 24/11/05
Annex 16 - Environmental Protection Volume I
dB1100 m
Reference atmospheric absorption. The atmospheric attenuation of sound that occurs in the i-th one-third octave
band for a reference atmospheric temperature and relative humidity.
degrees First constant* climb angle.
degrees Second constant * * climb angle.
Thrust cutback angles. The angles defining the points on the take-off flight path at which thrust reduction is
started and ended respcctivcly.
degrees Approach angle.
degrees Reference approach angle.
Take-off noise angle. The angle between the flight path and noise path for take-off operations. It is identical for
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