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时间:2010-05-01 18:40来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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deactivated in 1976 due to its limited cost effectiveness.
SAG Senior Advisory Group.
SAGE Semi-Automatic Ground Environment {Air Defense System}.
SAH Semi-active homing.
SAIC Scientific Applications International Corporation.
Saint A satellite inspector system designed to demonstrate the feasibility of
intercepting, inspecting, and reporting on the characteristics of satellites in orbit.
SAINT (1) Satellite Interceptor. (2) Shared Adaptive Internet Technology.
SAIP Semi-Automated Imagery Processing.
SAKT System Architecture and Key Tradeoffs (SDIO term).
SAL Strategic Arms Limitation.
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
Salvage Fusing The means by which a warhead detonates when an interceptor structurally
attacks it. Generally used as a device for disruption of the defense.
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile.
SAM-D Surface to-Air Missile, Model D (now PATRIOT).
SAMD Security Assistance Management Division.
SAMM Software Acquisition Maturity Matrix.
SAMMES Space Active Modular Materials Experiment.
SAMOPA Single Accelerator Master Oscillator-Power Amplifier.
SAMOS Satellite and Missile Observation System.
SAMP (1) Single Acquisition Management Plan.
(2) Security Accreditation Management Plan.
SAMP/T Sol-Air Moyenne Portee/Terre (Surface-Air Medium Portable/Terrestrial – French-
Italian missile).
SAMS Spacecraft Assembly, Maintenance and Servicing Study.
SAMTEC OBSOLETE. Space and Missile Systems Test Center, Vandenberg AFB, CA.
SAMTO OBSOLETE. Space and Missile Test Organization, Vandenberg AFB, CA.
SAO Security Assistance Organization.
SAP Special Access Program.
SAR (1) Synthetic Aperture Radar.
(2) Selected Acquisition Report.
(3) Special Access Required.
(4) Search and Rescue.
SARDA [Assistant] Secretary of the Army for Research, Development and Acquisition.
SAS (1) Shoot-Assess-Shoot. (2) System Architecture Study (SDI).
SASC Senate Arms Service Committee. (US).
SASET Software Architecture Sizing and Estimating Tool.
SASS Space Assets Support System.
SAT Surveillance, Acquisition and Tracking.
SATAN Security Administrator’s Tool for Analyzing Networks.
SATCOM Satellite Communications.
Satellite and
The systematic observation of aerospace for the purpose of detecting, tracking,
and characterizing objects, events, and phenomena associated with satellites
and in-flight missiles, both friendly and enemy.
Intelligence gathered through collection systems involved in assessing the
capabilities, methods of operation, signal intercept, photo reconnaissance, and
other intelligence indications and warnings that will provide information for SDS
SATKA Surveillance, Acquisition, Tracking, and Kill Assessment.
SATP Space Applications Technology Program.
SATRAK Satellite Tracking.
SATURN Name of NASA rocket booster.
SATVUL Satellite Vulnerability.
SAW (1) Surface Acoustic Wave. (2) Satellite Attack Warning.
SAW/V Satellite Attack Warning and Verification.
SAWAFE Satellite Attack Warning and Assessment Flight Experiment.
SBA (1) Space-Based Assets. (2) Small Business Administration.
SBAMS Space-Based Anti-Missile System.
SBAS (1) Space-Based Architecture Study. (2) Space-Based Acquisition System.
SBCL Space-Based Chemical Laser.
SBD Site BMC3 Demonstration.
SBE (1) Space Based Element. (2) Synthetic Battlefield Environment.
SBES Space-Based Experimental System.
SBEV Space-Based Experimental Version.
SBFEL Space-Based Free Electron Laser.
SBHE Space-Based Hypervelocity Gun Experiment.
SBHRG Space-Based Hypervelocity Rail Gun.
SBI (1) Space-Based Interceptor. (Replaced by Brilliant Pebbles (BP).) (2) Special
Background Investigation.
SBI-CV OBSOLETE. Space-Based Interceptor - Carrier Vehicle.
SBIR (1) Space-Based Infrared. (2) Small Business Innovative Research.
SBIRS Space Based Infrared System.
SBIRS GEO SBIRS Geosynchronous Earth Orbit satellites.
SBIRS HEO SBIRS Infrared sensors hosted on satellites in Highly Elliptical Orbits.
SBIRS High SBIRS high altitude component consisting of four SBIRS GEO satellites and
infrared sensors on two HEO satellites.
SBIRS LEO SBIRS Low Earth Orbit Satellites.
SBIRS Low SBIRS low altitude component consisting of SBIRS LEO satellites. The SBIRS
Low component will be designed to provide precision midcourse tracking and
discrimination data to support early interceptor commit, in-flight target updates,
and target object maps for a National Missile Defense architecture. The SBIRS
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