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McFarland, Philip. Loves of Harriet Beecher
Stowe. 23cm.320p. £15.99 (incl. VAT) Grove
Press /Atlantic Monthly Press
(11.2007) 0 8021 1845 3
McGorman, Evan (Ed.). Life in the French
Foreign Legion. 23cm.256p.50 b&w photos pbk
£9.99 (incl. VAT) Hale (11.2007) 0 7090 8513 3
Murray, Iain H. Life of John Murray, The.
22cm.240p.Ill. ports. pbk £7.25 Banner of Truth
(5.2007) 0 85151 950 4
Newton, John. Letters of John Newton.
23cm.432p. £16.50 Banner of Truth
(5.2007) 0 85151 951 2
Oldfield, Sybil. Jeanie, an ‘Army of One’: Mrs
Nassau Senior, 1828-1877, the First Woman in
23cm.272p. £55.00 (incl. VAT) Sussex Academic P.
(12.2007) 1 84519 253 2
23cm.272p. pbk £17.95 (incl. VAT) Sussex
Academic P. (12.2007) 1 84519 254 0
Olla, Roberto. Godfathers, The: Lives and Crimes
of Mafia Mobsters. 20cm.300p. pbk £8.99 Alma
Books (11.2007) 1 84688 049 1
Parmet, Herbert S. Richard M. Nixon: An
American Enigma. 20cm.192p. Library of
American Biography pbk £10.99 (incl. VAT)
Longman (11.2007) 0 321 39893 9
Peterson, Indira Viswanathan. Serfoji II: Scholar-
King of Tanjavur. 175p. Pathfinders Paper over
boards bds £50.00 (incl. VAT) Routledge India
(12.2007) 0 415 44607 4
Romaine, Susan Steffensen. Readers and Leaders.
160p. pbk £19.95 (incl. VAT) Libraries
Unlimited,U.S. (9.2007) 1 59158 516 3
Smith, Dai. Warrior’s Tale - Raymond Williams’
Biography, The. 1 v. £24.99 (incl. VAT) Parthian
Books (11.2007) 1 905762 56 9
Swidey, Neil. Assist, The: Hoops, Hope, and the
Game of Their Lives. 368p. £15.99 (incl. VAT)
PublicAffairs,U.S. (12.2007) 1 58648 469 9
Weeks, Todd Bryant. Luck’s in My Corner: The
Life and Music of Hot Lips Page. 352p.35 b&w
halftones, 14 b&w line drawings Paper over
boards bds £60.00 (incl. VAT) Routledge
(12.2007) 0 415 96218 8
Woods, Randall Bennett. LBJ: Architect of
American Ambition. 24cm.1007p.48 b&w photos
pbk £12.95 Harvard University Press
(11.2007) 0 674 02699 3
Brady, Catherine. Elizabeth Blackburn and the
Story of Telomeres: Deciphering the Ends of
DNA. 23cm.424p.25ill. £19.95 MIT Press
(11.2007) 0 262 02622 8
Campbell, Mary & Farrell, Shawn. Biochemistry.
Col.ill. International Student e. £43.99 (incl. VAT)
Brooks Cole (11.2007) 0 495 39046 1
Current Topics in Developmental Biology.
23cm.410p. £99.95 (incl. VAT) Academic P.,U.S.
(11.2007) 0 12 373914 4
Eidhammer, Ingnvar, etc. Computational Methods
for Mass Spectrometry Proteomics. 24cm.296p.
£49.95 (incl. VAT) Wiley (11.2007) 0 470 51297 0
El-Sharoud, Walid (Ed.). Bacterial Physiology: A
Molecular Approach. XIV, 371p.51ill. £154.00
(incl. VAT) Springer-Verlag
(11.2007) 3 540 74920 9
Gould, Laura L. Cats are Not Peas: A Calico
History of Genetics. 23cm.120p. £23.00 (incl.
VAT) A.K.Peters,U.S. (11.2007) 1 56881 320 1
Hammerich, Ole & Ulstrup, Jens (Ed.).
Bioinorganic Electrochemistry. XIV,314p. £146.00
(incl. VAT) Kluwer Acad.Publrs.
(11.2007) 1 4020 6499 3
Jacoby, Liva & Siminoff, Laura (Ed.). Empirical
Methods for Bioethics: A Primer. 15cm x
23cm.200p. Advances in Bioethics S., v. 11.
£57.99 (incl. VAT) JAI P. (11.2007) 0 7623 1266 1
Jong, Daan A. De (Ed.). Progress in Biological
Cybernetics Research. £55.99 (incl. VAT) Nova
Science Publishers (12.2007) 1 60021 968 3
Kent, Michael. AS Biology for AQA.
Student Book. 28cm.272p. pbk £20.00 (incl. VAT)
Oxf.U.P. (11.2007) 0 19 915267 5
Khan, Naveed (Ed.). Emerging Protozoan
Pathogens. 25cm.384p.159ill.(5col.).23b&w
tabs.5col.ill. 68b&w halftones, 86b&w line drawings
pbk £39.99 (incl. VAT) Taylor & F.
(12.2007) 0 415 42864 5
Maestripieri, Dario. Macachiavellian Intelligence:
How Rhesus Macaques and Humans Have
Conquered the World. 22cm.192p.7col.pl.
23halftones £14.00 Univ.Chicago P.
(12.2007) 0 226 50117 5
Merchant, Carolyn (Ed.). Ecology. 23cm.400p.
2Rev e. pbk £18.99 (incl. VAT) Prometheus Bks
(12.2007) 1 59102 578 8
Moyes, Christopher & Schulte, Patricia. Principles
of Animal Physiology.
28cm.784p. 2International e. pbk £42.99 (incl.
VAT) Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers
(11.2007) 0 321 51611 7
28cm.784p. 2nd revised United States e. £74.99
(incl. VAT) Benjamin/Cummings Pub.Co.,U.S.
(11.2007) 0 321 50155 1
Neidle, Stephen (Ed.). Principles of Nucleic Acid
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