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时间:2011-08-28 14:14来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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 The FAA advises an applicant, in writing, of any issue raised during a safety review that would impede issuance of a safety approval. The applicant may respond, in writing, or revise its license application.

§ 415.33 Safety organization
 An applicant shall maintain a safety organization and document it by identifying lines of communication and approval authority for all launch safety decisions. Lines of communication, both within the applicant's organization and between the applicant and any federal launch range providing launch services, shall be employed to ensure that personnel perform launch safety operations in accordance with range safety requirements and with plans and procedures required by this subpart. Approval authority shall be employed to ensure compliance with range safety requirements and with plans and procedures required by this subpart.

Safety official. An applicant shall identify by name, title, and qualifications, a qualified safety official authorized to examine all aspects of the applicant's launch safety operations and to monitor independently personnel compliance with the applicant's safety policies and procedures. The safety official shall report directly to the person responsible for an applicant's licensed launches, who shall ensure that all of the safety official's concerns are addressed prior to launch.

§ 415.35 Acceptable flight risk.
(a) Flight risk through orbital insertion or impact. Acceptable flight risk through orbital insertion for an orbital launch vehicle, and through impact for a suborbital launch vehicle, is measured in terms of the expected average number of casualties (Ec) to the collective members of the public exposed to debris hazards from any one launch.
To obtain safety approval, an applicant shall demonstrate that the risk level associated with debris from an applicant's proposed launch shall not exceed an expected average number of 0.00003 casualties per launch (Ec <
30 x 10-6).
Hazard identification and risk assessment. To demonstrate compliance

with this section, an applicant shall submit an analysis that identifies hazards and assesses risks to public health and safety and safety of property associated with nominal and non-nominal flight under its launch proposal.

 A launch vehicle shall be designed to ensure that flight risks meet the criteria set forth in this section. An applicant shall identify and describe the following:

 Launch vehicle structure, including physical dimensions and weight;

 Hazardous and safety critical systems, including propulsion systems; and

 Drawings and schematics for each system identified under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

 A launch vehicle shall be operated in a manner that ensures that flight risks meet the criteria set forth in this section. An applicant shall identify all launch operations and procedures that must be performed to ensure acceptable flight risks.

§ 415.37 Flight readiness and communications plan.
Flight readiness requirements. An applicant shall designate an individual responsible for flight readiness. The applicant shall submit the following procedures for verifying readiness for safe flight:

 Launch readiness review procedures involving the applicant's flight safety personnel and federal launch range personnel involved in the launch. The procedures shall ensure a launch readiness review is conducted during which the individual designated under paragraph (a) of this section is provided with the following information to make a judgement as to flight readiness:

 Flight-readiness of safety-related launch property and services to be provided by a federal launch range;

 Flight-readiness of launch vehicle and payload;

(iii) Flight-readiness of flight safety systems;
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本文链接地址:Commercial Space Transportation Licensing Regulations(51)