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时间:2011-08-28 14:14来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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§ 413.23 License renewal.
Eligibility. A licensee may apply to renew its license by submitting to the FAA a written application for renewal of the license at least 90 days before the expiration date of the license.


 A license renewal application shall satisfy the requirements set forth in this part and any other applicable part of this chapter.

 The application may incorporate by reference information provided as part of the application for the expiring license or any modification to that license.

 The applicant must describe any proposed changes in its conduct of licensed activities and provide any additional clarifying information required by the FAA.

Review of application. The FAA conducts the reviews required under this chapter for a license to determine whether the applicant's license may be renewed for an additional term. The FAA may incorporate by reference any findings that are part of the record for the expiring license.

Grant of license renewal. After completion by the FAA of the reviews required by this chapter for a license and issuance of the requisite approvals and determinations, the FAA issues an order amending the expiration date of the license. The FAA may impose additional or revised terms and conditions necessary to protect public health and safety and the safety of property and to protect U.S. national security and foreign policy interests.

Denial of license renewal. The FAA informs a licensee, in writing, if the licensee's application for renewal has been denied and states the reasons for denial. A licensee whose application for renewal is denied may follow the procedures set forth in section 413.21 of this part.

5. Part 415 is revised to read as follows:
PART 415 -- LAUNCH LICENSE Subpart A - General
415.1 Scope.
415.3 Types of launch licenses.
415.5 Policy and safety approvals.
415.7 Payload determination.
415.9 Issuance of a launch license.
415.11 Additional license terms and conditions.
415.13 Transfer of a launch license.
415.15 Rights not conferred by launch license. 415.16-415.20 [Reserved]

Subpart B - Policy Review and Approval
415.21 General.
415.23 Policy review.
415.25 Application requirements for policy review.
415.27 Denial of policy approval. 415.28-415.30 [Reserved]

Subpart C - Safety Review and Approval for Launch from a Federal Launch Range
415.31 General.
415.33 Safety organization.
415.35 Acceptable flight risk.
415.37 Flight readiness and communications plan.
415.39 Safety at end of launch.
415.41 Accident investigation plan.
415.43 Denial of safety approval. 415.44-415.50 [Reserved]

Subpart D - Payload Review and Determination
415.51 General.
415.53 Payloads not subject to review.
415.55 Classes of payloads.
415.57 Payload review.
415.59 Information requirements for payload review.
415.61 Issuance of payload determination.
415.63 Incorporation of payload determination in license application. 415.64-415.70 [Reserved]

Subpart E - Post-Licensing Requirements -- Launch License Terms and Conditions
415.71 Public safety responsibility.
415.73 Continuing accuracy of license application; application for modification of license.
415.75 Agreement(s) with federal launch range.
415.77 Records.
415.79 Launch reporting requirements.
415.81 Registration of space objects.
415.83 Financial responsibility requirements.
415.85 Compliance monitoring. 415.86-415.90 [Reserved]

Subpart F - Safety Review and Approval for Launch from a Launch Site not Operated by a Federal Launch Range.
415.91 General.
415.93 Denial of safety approval. 415.94-415.100 [Reserved]
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