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时间:2011-08-28 14:14来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Section 415.81, which replaces former section 415.10, contains requirements for registration of space objects, including a new provision that a licensee need not provide registration information concerning objects owned and registered by the government of the United States. The former version of this requirement provided that a licensee need not provide registration information for objects it placed in space that were owned by a foreign entity. The new provision contains the same proviso. It has, however, come to the attention of the FAA that this requires clarification. The Act requires that a foreign entity controlled by a U.S. citizen which launches outside the territory of any nation obtain an FAA license to launch. 49 U.S.C. 70104(a)(3). Applying these principles to an actual case, the FAA found that Sea Launch, a Cayman Islands partnership, which intends to launch from international waters, required a launch license on account of the control Boeing Commercial Space Company, a U.S. company, exercised over the partnership. 49 U.S.C. 70104(a)(3), 70102(1)(C); 14 CFR 401.5. Because Sea Launch is a U.S. citizen for licensing purposes, the FAA requires data pertinent to registration for Sea Launch’s upper stage.
Section 415.83 requires a licensee to comply with financial responsibility requirements as specified in a license or license order.
Section 415.85 explains that a licensee is required to cooperate with the compliance monitoring responsibilities of the FAA.
Subpart F describes the FAA's safety review for a proposed launch from a launch site not operated by a federal launch range. The FAA will conduct a review on an individual, case by case basis until it issues regulations of general applicability. The FAA will take this opportunity to advise applicants to bear in mind that a case by case review still must conform to existing standards and precedent. For example, part of the reason that the FAA relies on federal launch range safety reviews is because of the testing and reviews the ranges conduct of a launch operator’s flight safety system, which, in most cases, contain a flight termination system. Accordingly, when a federal launch range is not assessing the adequacy of a launch operator’s flight safety system, it is incumbent upon the FAA to do so.
Subpart G incorporates the FAA's environmental review requirements, the former sections 415.31 and 415.33, which require the FAA to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and state that an applicant must provide the FAA with the information required for doing so. The renumbering of these provisions represents no substantive change from the current regulations. In response to the NPRM relocation proposal, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) commented that the environmental review process for licensing commercial launch activities should reference FAA Order 1050.1D. This change is incorporated here. Additionally, the EPA requested that section 415.101 reference other informal FAA guidance documents. The FAA notes that informal guidance documents are available, and will confer with a license applicant regarding the applicability of the guidance. The FAA also notes that the NPRM text omitted the proposed section revisions. They are now included in the regulatory text.
Part 417-- License to Operate a Launch Site
Because the FAA is removing and reserving part 411, which contains section 411.3 regarding the operation of a launch site, the FAA now creates part 417 to govern licensing the operation of a launch site. The FAA will license the operation of a launch site on an individual, case by case basis until it issues regulations of general applicability. Until then, an applicant for a license to operate a launch site should refer to the FAA's draft guidelines and pre-application consultation for assistance. This part also now contains the requirements governing an environmental review for licensing the operation of a launch site previously located in 14 CFR 415.31-33.

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