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时间:2010-12-02 13:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

‐ If not engaged, retard the thrust levers
SPD BRK............................................................................................................................... FULL
Extension of the speedbrakes will significantly increase Vls.
To avoid autopilot disconnection and automatic retraction of the speedbrakes, due to possible
activation of the angle of attack protection, allow the speed to increase before starting to use the
EMER DESCENT FL 100 or minimum allowable altitude
CAUTION Descend at the maximum appropriate speed. If structural damage is suspected,
use the flight controls with care and reduce speed as appropriate.
Landing gear may be extended below 25 000 ft. Speed must be reduced to VLO/VLE
ENG MODE SEL........................................................................................................................IGN
Notify ATC of the nature of the emergency, and state intentions
If not in contact with ATC, select transponder code A, or transmit a distress message on
(VHF) 121.5 MHz , or (HF) 2 182 kHz , or 8 364 kHz.
‐ To save oxygen, set the oxygen diluter selector to the N position.
‐ With the oxygen diluter selector left at 100 % , oxygen quantity may be insufficient to cover the
entire emergency descent profile.
To be continued on next page
A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW
A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET PRO-ABN-80 P 26/182
FCOM 19 AUG 10
Ensure crew communication is established with oxygen masks. ‐ Avoid continuous use of the
interphone to minimize interference from the oxygen mask breathing noise
MAX FL............................................................................................................................. 100/MEA
 IF CAB ALT >0 feet:
PAX OXY MASKS.......................................................................................................MAN ON
Contact the cabin crew to confirm that the passenger oxygen masks are released
Note: Notify the cabin crew, when a safe flight level has been reached and oxygen mask
use can be terminated
A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW
A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET PRO-ABN-80 P 27/182
FCOM 19 AUG 10
Applicable to:
Automatic landing is certified up to the Maximum Landing Weight (MLW). Autoland flight tests have,
however, been successful up to 69 t (152 117 lb).
Depending on the situation (e.g. emergency or other) and provided that the runway is approved for
automatic landing, the flight crew can decide to perform an autoland up to 69 t (152 117 lb).
LDG CONF.................................................................................................................. AS REQUIRED
Use the ECAM flap setting, if required for abnormal operations. In all other cases:
‐ FULL is preferred for optimized landing performance.
‐ If the aircraft weight is above the maximum weight for go-around (See ), use FLAP 3 for landing.
In all cases, if landing configuration is different from FLAP FULL, use 1+F for go-around.
Note: For weights greater than 68 000 kg (150 000 lb) S speed is greater than VFE CONF 2
(200 kt). Consequently the crew must select on FCU a speed below 200 kt before setting
FLAPS 2. When in FLAPS 2, the crew can use managed speed again.
LDG DIST...............................................................................................................................CHECK
PACK 1 and PACK 2................................................................................... OFF or supplied by APU
Selecting packs OFF (or supplied from APU) will increase the maximum thrust available from the
engines, in the event of a go-around.
 In the final stages of approach:
TARGET SPEED.....................................................................................................................VLS
Reduce the selected speed on the FCU to reach VLS at runway threshold.
Touch down as smoothly as possible (Maximum V/S at touchdown 360 ft/min)
 At main landing gear touchdown:
REVERSE THRUST................................................................................. USE MAX AVAILABLE
 After nosewheel touchdown:
BRAKES................................................................................................APPLY AS NECESSARY
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本文链接地址:A320机组操作手册FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL 11(34)