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时间:2010-07-17 02:24来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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The following provisions require or encourage approval by
specified States. The approval of the State of the Operator is
required in all of the certification actions listed below that are
not preceded by one or more asterisks. Certification actions
listed below that are preceded by one or more asterisks require
approval by the State of Registry (single asterisk or “*”), or by
the State of Design (double asterisk or “**”). However, the
State of the Operator should take the necessary steps to ensure
that operators for which it is responsible comply with any
applicable approvals issued by the State of Registry and/or
State of Design, in addition to its own requirements.
a) **Configuration deviation list (CDL) (Definitions);
b) **Master minimum equipment list (MMEL) (Definitions);
c) The method for establishing minimum flight altitudes
d) The method of determining heliport operating minima
e) Flight time, flight duty periods and rest periods
f) Helicopter-specific minimum equipment list (MEL)
g) RNP operations (5.2.2 b));
h) *Approved maintenance organization (6.1.2);
i) *Helicopter-specific maintenance programme (6.3.1);
j) Flight crew training programmes (7.3.1);
k) Training in the transport of dangerous goods (7.3.1,
Note 5);
l) Use of flight simulation training devices (7.3.2 a),
7.4.2 and 7.4.4, Note);
m) Heliport additional safety margin ( a));
n) Method of control and supervision of flight operations
( and 8.1);
o) **Mandatory maintenance tasks and intervals (9.3.2);
p) Cabin attendant training programmes (10.3).
3.4 Provisions that require a technical evaluation
Other provisions in this Part require the State to have made a
technical evaluation. These provisions contain the phrases
“acceptable to the State”, “satisfactory to the State”, “determined
by the State”, “deemed acceptable by the State”, and
“prescribed by the State”. While not necessarily requiring an
approval by the State, these Standards do require the State to
at least accept the matter at issue after it conducts a specific
review or evaluation. These provisions are:
a) details of the helicopter-specific checklists (Definition:
aircraft operating manual and 4.1.4);
b) details of the aircraft-specific systems (Definition: aircraft
operating manual and 4.1.4);
c) mandatory material for the operations manual (
and Appendix 1);
d) *operator's aircraft-specific maintenance responsibilities
e) *method of maintenance and release (6.1.2);
f) *maintenance control manual (6.2.1);
g) *mandatory material for the maintenance control
manual (6.2.4);
h) *reporting of maintenance experience information
i) *implementing necessary maintenance corrective
actions (6.5.2);
j) *modification and repair requirements (6.6);
k) training facilities (7.3.1);
l) qualifications of instructors (7.3.1);
Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft Part III
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No. 11
m) need for recurrent training (7.3.l);
n) use of correspondence courses and written examinations
(7.3.1, Note 4);
o) use of flight simulation training devices (7.3.2);
p) flight crew qualification records (;
q) designated representative of the State of the Operator
r) *flight manual changes (9.1); and
s) minimum number of flight attendants assigned to a
specific aircraft (10.1).
4. Acceptance actions
4.1 Acceptance
4.1.1 The actual extent of the State’s technical evaluation
of an operator’s readiness to conduct certain flight operations
should be much broader than just those Standards which
require or imply approval. During certification, the State
should ensure that an operator will be in compliance with all
requirements of Part III, Section II prior to conducting international
commercial air transport operations.
4.1.2 The concept of “acceptance” is used by some
States as a formal method of ensuring that all critical aspects
of operator certification are reviewed by the State prior to the
formal issuance of the AOC. Using this concept, these States
exercise their prerogative to have technical inspectors review
all operators’ policies and procedures impacting operational
safety. The actual execution of an instrument to reflect this
acceptance (assuming such a document is issued) may be delegated
to the technical inspector assigned to the certification.
4.1.3 The act of “acceptance” is in addition to the issuance
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