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时间:2010-05-10 17:28来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Appendix 3. Additional References on Flight Testing .........................................................................
(4 pages) ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
5/24/95 AC 90-89A
‘‘The Laws of Aerodynamics are unforgiving and the ground is hard.’’ Michael Collins (1987)
‘‘If you have no plan--you have no goal.’’ Harold Little, Aircraft Manufacturer (1994)
1. OBJECTIVE. A planned approach to flight
a. The most important task for an amateurbuilder
is to develop a comprehensive FLIGHT
TEST PLAN. This PLAN should be individually tailored
to define the aircraft’s specific level of
performance. It is therefore important that the entire
flight test plan be developed and completed
BEFORE the aircraft’s first flight.
b. The objective of a FLIGHT TEST PLAN
is to determine the aircraft’s controllability throughout
all the maneuvers and to detect any hazardous
operating characteristics or design features. This data
should be used in developing a FLIGHT MANUAL
that specifies the aircraft’s performance and defines
its operating envelope.
AC 90-89A 5/24/95
‘‘An airport should be chosen with the same care and consideration as getting a second doctor’s opinion.’’
Fred Wimberly, EAA Flight Test Advisor (1994)
1. OBJECTIVE. To select an airport to test fly
the aircraft.
a. The airport should have one runway
aligned into the prevailing wind with no obstructions
on the approach or departure end. Hard surface runways
should be in good repair and well maintained
to avoid foreign object damage (FOD) to the propeller
and landing gear. Grass fields should be level
with good drainage. Avoid airports in densely populated
or developed areas and those with high rates
of air traffic. The runway should have the proper
markings with a windsock or other wind direction
indicator nearby.
b. To determine an appropriate runway, use
the chart in figure 1 (sea-level elevation), or the following
c. The ideal runway at sea-level elevation
should be at least 4,000 feet long and 100 feet wide.
For each 1,000 feet increase in field elevation, add
500 feet to the runway length. If testing a high
performance aircraft, the airport’s runway at sealevel
should be more than 6,000 feet long and 150
feet wide to allow a wider margin of safety. Other
considerations, such as power to weight ratio, wing
design, and density altitude, also should be factored
into the equation for picking the best runway for
the initial flight testing.
5/24/95 AC 90-89A
Take-off Distance in Feet
FIGURE 1. Runway Length Chart
d. Identify emergency landing fields located
within gliding distance from anywhere in the airport
pattern altitude. Since engine failures are second only
to pilot error as the major cause of amateur-built
aircraft accidents, preparations for this type of emergency
should be a mandatory part of the FLIGHT
e. It is advisable to perform flight tests from
an airport with an active unicom or tower, even if
the aircraft does not have an electrical system or
is not equipped with a radio. Even at an uncontrolled
field, a communications base should be improvised.
For both situations, a hand held radio with aviation
frequencies and a headset with a mike and a pushto-
talk switch on the stick/yoke is recommended.
Good radio communications improves the overall
level of safety and reduces cockpit workload.
f. The FAA recommends airport selection criteria
include the availability of hangar space and
ramp areas. These facilities will provide protection
from inclement weather and vandalism while the aircraft
is being tested, maintained, and inspected.
g. The airport should have a telephone and
fire fighting equipment, the latter being in compliance
with relevant municipal codes (e.g., fire codes).
h. Explain the Flight Test Program and
EMERGENCY PLANS to the airport manager or
owner. They may be able to assist the amateurbuilder
in obtaining temporary hangar space, providing
ground/air communications, and supplying emergency
equipment for use during the flight test.
AC 90-89A 5/24/95
‘‘The object of the game, gentlemen, is not to cheat death: the object is not to let him play.’’ Patrick
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