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时间:2010-05-10 17:28来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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b. As with every part of the flight testing program,
the high speed taxi tests should follow the
FLIGHT TEST PLAN. Start slowly and do not
progress to the next step until everyone is thoroughly
satisfied with the aircraft and his/her own performance.
c. Each taxi run should be 5 mph faster than
the last run until the aircraft is within 80 percent
of the predicted stall speed. Prior to reaching the
predicted stall speed, the pilot should test aileron
effectiveness by attempting to rock the wings
slightly. As taxi speeds increase, the rudder becomes
more responsive and directional control will
(1) In a nose gear aircraft, the pilot should
be able to raise the nose of the aircraft to a take
off attitude at 80 percent of the stall speed. If the
nose cannot be raised at this speed, the weight and
balance and CG range should be rechecked. Most
likely there is a forward CG problem or the main
gear is too far aft.
(2) In a tail wheel aircraft at 80 percent
of stall speed, the pilot should be able to lift the
tail and assume a take-off position. Again, if the tail
cannot be raised, recheck the weight and balance and
CG range. Most likely there is a rearward CG problem
or the main gear is too far forward.
CAUTION: Heavy braking action at
high speeds in tail wheel aircraft may
cause directional problems (ground
loops) or nose overs.
c. If runway conditions permit, duplicate each
taxi test with the flaps in the take-off and landing
configuration. Record the flap effects on directional
control and insert the information in the draft copy
of the aircraft’s flight manual.
d. Determine the approximate point on the
runway where lift-off will occur and mark it with
a green flag if no other existing reference is available.
e. Determine how much runway the pilot will
need if it becomes necessary to abort the take-off.
This is usually accomplished by accelerating to 80
percent of lift off speed, bringing the engine back
to idle, and applying heavy braking action to bring
the aircraft to a full stop. After each take-off/abort
test, the brakes must be allowed to COOL DOWN.
The lining must be examined carefully and replaced
if necessary.
f. After determining the distance required to
come to a full stop after aborting, add 30 percent
to the distance. Measure that distance from the
OPPOSITE end of the active runway which will be
5/24/95 AC 90-89A
used. If no existing reference is available, mark it
with a red flag. The taxi tests are completed when
the test pilot is satisfied with both the aircraft’s and
his/her individual performance. Prior to the first
flight, the aircraft should be thoroughly inspected
with special attention given to the landing gear, brake
system, engine, and propeller.
g. During this inspection all discrepancies
must be fixed. Examine the screens/filters for metal,
flush the fuel system, and clean all the screens/filters.
Perform a leak check on the engine and the fuel
system by running-up the engine.
h. Notes.
(1) The first high speed taxi tests should
be made in a no wind or a light head wind condition.
The pilot should ensure that the tests will not interfere
with the normal airport operations or create a
safety hazard for other aircraft.
(2) If the aircraft’s engine is not a U.S. type
certificated engine, the pilot should determine which
way the propeller rotates.
(3) Pilots of tail wheel aircraft must always
be aware that ground loops are possible at any speed.
This is true especially if the main landing gear is
located too far forward of the aircraft’s CG.
AC 90-89A 5/24/95
5/24/95 AC 90-89A
‘‘It is critically important that a test pilot never succumb to the temptation to do too much too soon, for
that path leads but to the grave.’’ Richard Hallion (1987)
1. OBJECTIVE. To take every precaution to
ensure that the first test flight is an ‘‘uneventful’’
a. The first flight is an important event for
an amateur-builder. As important as it is, it should
not be turned into a social occasion. This puts enormous
peer pressure on the pilot to fly an aircraft
that may not be airworthy or to conduct the flight
in inclement weather.
b. A ‘‘professional’’ will avoid this trap by following
the FLIGHT TEST PLAN and inviting only
those members of the crew needed to perform
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本文链接地址:Amateur-built Aircraft & Ultralight Flight Testing Handb(21)