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时间:2010-05-10 17:28来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Reduce speed, maintain level flight, and yaw/slip the
aircraft left or right to reduce vibration. Open the
side vent window to reduce air pressure resistance
in the cabin and attempt to shut the door. Sometimes
putting the aircraft in a skid will assist in closing
a partially open door.
b. Other possible emergencies to plan for
(1) Canopy opening unexpectedly
(2) Loss of communications
(3) Throttle stuck in one position
(4) Oil on the windshield
(5) Propeller throws a blade
(6) Fire in the cockpit
‘‘Always leave yourself a way out.’’ Chuck Yeager
1. OBJECTIVES. The two objectives of the first
flight are to determine engine reliability and flight
control characteristics.
a. After completing the pre-flight inspection,
the test pilot should ensure that the seat/shoulder harness
is properly fitted and allows easy access to all
the cockpit controls (verified by a crew member).
Following the FLIGHT TEST PLAN and using
the starting checklist, warm up the engine until the
engine instruments indicate normal operating
temperatures and pressures.
b. A complete check of each aircraft system
should be performed (e.g., carb heat, magnetos, static
rpm, and brakes).
c. If the airport does not have a tower/unicom
available, the pilot should transmit over 122.9 MHz
the following message: ‘‘This is experimental aircraft
Nlll on the first test flight, departing runway
lll at lll airport, and will remain in
the local area for the next hour.’’ Transmit the aircraft
N number, location, and intentions every ten
d. If the airport is equipped with a tower,
notify them that an experimental aircraft is on its
first test flight and requests take-off instructions.
e. After being given clearance to take-off,
clear the area, line up on the runway centerline,
release the brakes, and slowly add power to provide
‘‘Thinking Time.’’ When the throttle is fully
advanced, glance at the an oil pressure gauge and
tachometer to confirm they are in the green and
indicating take-off rpm. A type certificated engine
of a 100 horsepower will produce between 2100 to
2300 rpm on the take-off roll, depending on the type
of propeller installed. If either oil pressure or
tachometer is reading low, abort the takeoff!
f. If there is any unusual vibration, rpm
exceeding the red line, or engine hesitation, abort
the takeoff!
5/24/95 AC 90-89A
g. If in a tail wheel aircraft, keep the tail on
the runway until the rudder is effective. This usually
happens at approximately 35 mph on most aircraft.
h. As the aircraft accelerates and approaches
the predicted/manufacturer’s lift off speed/point
(green flag), gently ease back on the stick. The first
take-off should be a gentle and well-controlled
maneuver with the aircraft doing all the work.
i. If the aircraft does not want to rotate or
unusual stick forces are experienced, abort the
j. If the aircraft has retractable gear, do not
raise the gear on the first two to three flights until
the aircraft’s stability/control responses have been
explored a little further.
k. It is recommended that after establishing
a safe climb angle. the pilot DOES NOT throttle
back, switch tanks, or make large inputs into the
flight controls for the first 1,000 feet. At the
preselected altitude, reduce power slowly to avoid
a pitch up or pitch down that might be associated
with rapid power reductions.
NOTE: Check if there is any additional stick
or rudder input pressure during the climb.
Try reducing any abnormal stick pressures
with trim. Each control input should be
small and slow.
l. If any unusual engine vibrations, rapid oil
pressure fluctuation, oil and cylinder head temperatures
approaching red line, or decreasing fuel pressure
is experienced, refer to the emergency check
list and land as soon as possible.
‘‘In my opinion, about 90 percent of your risk in a total program comes with a first flight. There is no
nice in-between milestone. You have to bite it off in one chunk.’’ Deke Slayton
1. OBJECTIVE. To perform a series of tests to
develop data that will ensure a safe landing.
a. The First Test Flight.
(1) After take-off, climb to 3,000 feet
above ground level (AGL) and level off. Reduce
power slowly. Complete the cruise checklist items.
Following the FLIGHT TEST PLAN, circle the airport
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