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时间:2010-05-10 17:28来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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the propeller.
(i) Nicks of 1⁄2 inch or less in the
leading or trailing edges of carbon/graphite propellers
can be dressed out and filled using a two-part
epoxy. But if the nick has severed the fiberglass roving
(looks like a fiberglass wire bundle) that runs
hub to tip on the leading and trailing edge, do not
fly. The propeller has been severely damaged and
must be sent back to the factory for inspection and
(ii) Before making even small repairs
on a composite propeller, check with the manufacturer
first. Larger nicks must go back to the factory
for inspection and repair.
5/24/95 AC 90-89A
‘‘Yelling ’Clear the Prop!’ before you start an aircraft is the first of a series of well planned,
choreographed steps to make you a professional.’’ Jack Crawford, Pilot, Mechanic, Airport Operator
1. OBJECTIVES. The objectives of the taxi
tests are fourfold:
a. To ensure that the aircraft ‘‘tracks’’ straight
and there is adequate directional control at 20 percent
below the anticipated take-off speed.
b. To determine if the aircraft’s engine cooling
and the brake system are adequate.
c. To predict the flight trim of the aircraft and
its handling characteristics during take off and landings.
d. To allow the pilot to become proficient with
the handling and braking characteristics of the aircraft.
NOTE: All taxi tests, low and high speed,
should be made as if it were the first flight.
The pilot should be wearing the proper
clothing, seat belt/shoulder harness and helmet
and be mentally and physically prepared
for the possibility of flight.
a. Prior to beginning taxi tests in a conventional
(tail dragger) aircraft, the tail should be raised
until the aircraft is in the approximate take-off position.
The pilot should spend an hour or more in the
cockpit to become accustomed to the aircraft’s takeoff
position. This small but important aspect of training
will help the pilot avoid overreacting to an unexpected
deck angle on the first flight.
NOTE: All taxi tests should always be monitored
by a minimum of one other member
of the flight test team, who will watch for
evidence of fire/smoke or other problems not
visible to the pilot.
b. The taxi tests should begin with a taxi speed
no faster than a man can walk. The pilot should spend
this time getting acquainted with the aircraft’s low
speed handling characteristics by practicing 90, 180,
and 360 degree turns and braking action. The pilot
should also remember that monitoring the oil pressure,
oil temperature, cylinder head temperature, and
maintaining them within limits is a critical function
that must not be overlooked.
AC 90-89A 5/24/95
NOTE: The builder should be aware that
some aircraft brake manufacturers have
specific brake lining conditioning procedures
(break-in) for metallic and non-asbestos
organic linings. Proper brake lining
conditioning should be completed before
starting the low and high speed taxi tests.
If not properly conditioned, the brake lining
will wear quickly and give poor braking
action at higher speeds.
c. The pilot should check the flight
instruments for operation each time the aircraft is
taxied out. The compass should match the magnetic
heading of the runway or taxi way the aircraft is
on. When making a turn (e.g., right hand turn), the
turn coordinator/turn and bank should indicate a right
hand turn but the ball should skid to the left. The
vertical speed indicator should read zero and the
artificial horizon should indicate level.
d. After each taxi run, inspect the aircraft for
oil and brake fluid leaks. No leak should be considered
a minor problem. Every leak must be repaired
and the system serviced prior to the next taxi test.
‘‘First get use to the fact that you are now 30 feet wide and you steer with your feet.’’ Wayne Nutsch
1. OBJECTIVE. To determine the aircraft’s
high speed handling and braking parameters.
a. Propeller rotation will determine which rudder
pedal is pressed to compensate for the asymmetrical
thrust of the propeller blades. For example,
when viewed from the cockpit, a Volkswagen automotive
engine mounted in a tractor configuration will
rotate the propeller counter-clockwise. In this case,
the pilot must use the left rudder pedal for high speed
taxi and take-off.
中国航空网 www.aero.cn
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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