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时间:2011-11-01 11:23来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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A. The manual is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 contains general data
applicable to all models (707 and 727 through 777). Volume 2 contains data,
by specific model, on recommended preventive maintenance practices and how
corrosion is to be dealt with, should it occur.

B. Each volume of the manual is divided using the ATA-100 Chapter/Section/Sub-ject numbering system.

C. Volume 1 uses Chapter 20, Standard Practices, Airframe, which is divided,
into Sections dealing with various general topics.

D. Volume 2 uses ATA 100 Chapters and Sections to describe corrosion problems.
These sections are then subdivided by the use of subject numbers for data on
specific problems.

3. Applicability of Data

A. Where data applies only to a limited number of airplanes of one model,
effectivity is specified by line number or customer block number. This indi-cates at which point in the production line changes were introduced. Refer
to the Structural Repair Manual for a list of airplanes with their line num-bers.


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B. Reference is made to applicable Service Bulletins where necessary, but no
attempt is made to indicate the modification status of operator's airplanes.

4. Revisions to Manual

A. Semi annual revisions are issued to the manual to update existing data or to
introduce new material. Revision bars indicate changed or added data.

B. Where the need arises to disseminate information on a more urgent basis than
can be achieved by regular revision, temporary revisions on yellow paper can
be issued.

C. A revision record and a temporary revision and Service Bulletin record are
supplied at the front of this manual. Operators should update these records
when incorporating revised material in the book.

5. Lists of Effective Pages

A. Lists of effective pages showing the latest revision date for each of the
pages contained within volume 1 are included in the front matter.

B. List of effective pages showing the latest revision for each of the pages
contained within Volume 2 are included at the beginning of each particular
airplane model section.

6. List of Acronyms

A. MC -Master Change

B. MPD -Maintenance Planning Document

C. PCR -Publication Change Request

D. PRR -Production Revision Request

E. RR -Rapid Revision

F. SB -Service Bulletin

G. SL -Service Letter

H. SOPM -Standard Operating Procedures Manual

I. SRM -Structural Repair Manual

J. SRP -Service Related Problem

K. TR -Temporary Revision

7. How to Use the Manual

A. The method of using the manual is dependent upon the type of information
being sought. If the reader is involved with planning or executing a corro-sion prevention program, the logical place to start is in Volume 2. The
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本文链接地址:757 防腐手册 CORROSION PREVENTION MANUAL 第二册 一般信息(5)