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时间:2011-10-22 14:29来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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RAO - Regional Aviation Officer.

RAG – Regional Aviation Group.  A term used for the Regional aviation staff, which is led by the RAO.

Responsible Observer – See Fixed-wing Flight Manager Special-Use.

Restricted Area - Airspace designated by the FAA under the Federal Aviation Regulations within which the flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction.

SAFECOM - Aviation Safety Communiqué.  A form used to report any condition, observance, act, maintenance problem, or circumstance which has the potential to cause an aviation-related mishap.

Sketch Mapping – A remote sensing technique used to detect visible forest change events from an aircraft, which is then manually documented onto a map.

Special Aerial Survey – An event specific survey used to quantify damage caused by a unique biological agent or meteorological event.

TCAD – Traffic Collision Alerting Device.

TCAS- Traffic Collision Avoidance System

UAO - Unit Aviation Officer.  Individual responsible for coordinating, training, supervising and inspecting all phases of aviation activities for their Unit.

USFS – United States Forest Service

VFR - Visual flight rules.  The flight rules utilized for flight when basic weather is better than 3 miles visibility and a 1,000 ft. ceiling and positive control by air traffic control is not desired.

WSFD – Wyoming State Forestry Division.


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