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时间:2011-10-22 14:29来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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3. The FWFMSU is responsible for knowing the appropriate radio frequencies and tones for the areas they will be operating.  These frequencies should be carried in the aircraft at all times.
4. The FWFMSU should have in their possession all appropriate telephone numbers.
D. Automated Flight Following
All aircraft used for ADS will be equipped to conduct Automated Flight Following (AFF) and will strive to conduct all missions utilizing AFF.  Temporary AFF hardware and software failures do occur, however therefore AFF is not a requirement for ADS missions. If AFF is not functioning, flight following will be conducted as described in B above.  Even when using AFF, an FM radio is required to be onboard the aircraft and the aerial observers are required to have a list of all necessary frequencies.  Radio contact must be made with the dispatch office before AFF can be initiated.  Furthermore, the dispatch office must be willing to use AFF and all dispatchers must have had sufficient training.    

Requirements for Utilizing AFF:

1. The aircraft must be equipped with the necessary hardware (transmitter and antenna).
2. The dispatch office responsible for the Flight Following must have a computer connected to the Internet.
3. Training: The Flight Following dispatcher must have a working knowledge of the AFF Program (Webtracker) and must have a current user name and password for the AFF System.
4. AFF does not reduce or eliminate the requirement for aircraft on mission flights to have FM radio capability and to be monitoring appropriate radio frequencies during the flight.
Procedures for Utilizing AFF:

1. When AFF is requested, ensure AFF Program access is available and request standard flight information from the pilot/flight manager.
2. The pilot will relay the flight itinerary, ETD, and ETA to the dispatch center.
3. If Flight Following will be handed off to another dispatch center en route, the center will brief the pilot/flight manager with updated frequencies, call signs, and other information, as needed.
4. The dispatch office will log on to the AFF web site and verify that the aircraft icon is visible on the screen.
5. Once the aircraft is airborne, the Sending Unit will contact pilot to confirm initiation of AFF.
6. The dispatch office(s) responsible for Flight Following will monitor the computer at fifteen (15) minute intervals for the duration of the flight.
7. When the aircraft has completed the flight and landed, the pilot or passenger (observer, flight manager, ATGS, etc.) will contact the dispatch office to inform them that they are on the ground.
8. If the computer system stops working during AFF, continue Flight Following using manual (radio) methods.

A. Accident Prevention
Accident prevention shall be a continuing part of every operation with particular priorities assigned to potential accident problems.  Problems shall be approached and solved by continual training to ensure a high standard of job performance. By so doing, the job performance becomes a habit with instilled safety practices as an integral part.  The FHP UAO is responsible for oversight of insect and disease aerial surveys and will work closely with the Region 2 RASM.
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