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时间:2011-10-22 14:29来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

A. Employee Responsibility
1. All employees have the responsibility to initiate action to stop any action or activity considered to be unsafe.  Any aircraft passenger or crewmember can request termination of any flight if they deem it unsafe for any reason.
2. All FHP personnel using aircraft are expected to always use the aircraft in a safe and cost-effective manner.
3. All FHP personnel using aircraft are expected to annually review and comply with recommendations in the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for Aerial Surveys.
B. Fuel Reserves
All day flights require a 30-minute minimum fuel reserve on board upon landing.  FHP personnel should strive to land with a 60-minute fuel reserve whenever possible.  Fuel gauges and hourly fuel consumption estimates are only approximate, so it is best to err on the conservative side.
C. Flight Hazard Maps
Aerial observer, photographer and their pilot should review the flight hazard maps maintained at each Dispatch Center to insure awareness of potential hazards while flying such as MTRs, MOAs, helicopter logging activities, fire suppression activities, other working-aircraft project areas, and high suspended power lines.

D. Instrument Flight rules (IFR)
FSM 5716.12 prohibits IFR flight for federally owned or contracted single-engine aircraft unless VFR conditions exist to a point no more than 15 minutes flying time at normal cruise speed from the departure airport.
E. Pilot Briefings
Pilots will brief passengers as required by FAR 135.117 prior to each flight.  This briefing includes: the use of seat belts, location of exits, operation of passenger doors; and the location of the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, and ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter).  No person shall engage in any aviation activity unless briefed by a pilot on safety and emergency procedures.

A. Notification of Intent to:
1. Survey - Prior to summer field season, a proposed aerial survey schedule will be sent to each Forest FHP contact and Forest Dispatcher.  This schedule will include such information as: the date and area to be flown, the town the aerial survey crew will spend the night, the name and phone number of the hotel, and the intended Dispatch Center responsible for flight following assistance.  It should be understood that this schedule is tentative and can easily change due to weather, fires, or other scheduling challenges.  Each observer will attempt to be on schedule throughout the summer.  Catch-up and make-up flights may be scheduled after the end of the regular season.
The observer will notify the appropriate dispatch office by phone and/or electronic message of the intent to fly survey over that dispatch area prior to the actual flight.  This should occur several days prior to the survey and include information such as time, location, radio frequencies to be used and other aviation activities occurring across similar areas.  Notification of scheduled aerial surveys should be made in a timely manner to help Dispatch Centers anticipate flight following workload.
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