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时间:2011-03-31 15:25来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

3.  Install Oil Filter Bypass Switch (Fig. 401)
A.  If a new switch is being installed, install reducer unions in switch using new O-rings.
NOTE: Lightly coat O-rings with engine oil before installation.
B.  To provide adequate electrical bonding, ensure that faying surface between switch mounting base and bracket on engine gearbox is clean. Secure switch to bracket using two screws. On some engines, ensure that faying surface between switch mounting base and bracket on CSD oil filter is clean. Secure switch to bracket using two screws.
C.  Connect oil filter outlet pressure sensing line to reducer union in switch VENT port. Do not tighten VENT port connection.
D.  Connect oil filter inlet pressure sensing line to reducer union in switch OIL port. Do not tighten oil port connection.
E.  If oil filter inlet and outlet thru bolts have been loosened or removed, re-install and tighten to 133-147 inch pounds.
F.  Install electrical connector at oil filter bypass switch electrical receptacle.
G.  Motor or operate engine until oil leakage is observed at switch oil port fitting, then tighten fitting. Continue motoring or operating until oil leakage is observed at vent port connection, then tighten that fitting.
H.  Perform oil filter bypass system test (Ref 79-35-0).
4.  Restore Airplane to Normal Configuration
A.  Close Sec 2 and 5 circuit breakers on circuit breaker panel P6-3.
B.  Close engine cowl panel.
Oct 20/84  BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright . - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.  79-35-11 Page 401 

Oil Filter Bypass Switch Installation  551 
79-35-11  Figure 401  Jun 20/88 
Page 402 
BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright . - Unpublished Work - See title page for details. 



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