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时间:2011-03-14 13:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Engine No. 1 .....................................................................................Start

Copyright . The Boeing Company. See title page for details.
SP.2.2  December 1, 2000

Supplementary Procedures -Air Systems 737 Operations Manual
After engine No. 1 stabilized:
ISOLATION VALVE switch ....................................................AUTO

Auto Trip and Standby Check - Airplanes with CPCS
Pack switches.................................................................................... OFF

Pressurization mode selector .........................................................AUTO

FLT/GND switch ............................................................................. GRD

Cabin Altitude indicator ........................... 500 feet above field elevation Captain and First Officer altimeters .............................................................................................Set
Cabin Rate selector ..........................................................................Index Verify pressurization mode lights extinguish and the Outflow Valve Position indicator is at OPEN.
FLT/GND switch ...............................................................................FLT Verify Outflow Valve Position indicator moves toward CLOSE. Pressurization mode selector ......................................................... Check Verify the AUTO FAIL and STANDBY lights illuminated and the Outflow Valve Position indicator moves toward OPEN.
Cabin Altitude indicator ...........................500 feet below field elevation Verify the Outflow Valve Position indicator moves toward CLOSE.
FLT/GND switch ............................................................................. GRD Verify the AUTO FAIL and STANDBY lights extinguished and the Outflow Valve Position indicator moves toward OPEN. FLT/GND switch ...............................................................................FLT Verify Outflow Valve Position indicator moves toward CLOSE.
Auto Trip and Manual Check - Airplanes with CPCS
Note: This test must be performed immediately after the Auto Trip and Standby Check to test excessive pressurization rates. If the initial CHECK input has cleared (approximately 30 seconds) the AUTO FAIL and STANDBY lights do not illuminate.
Pack switches.................................................................................... OFF

Supplementary Procedures -Air Systems

737 Operations Manual
Pressurization mode selector ......................................................... AUTO AUTO FAIL light – illuminated STANDBY LIGHT - illuminated
Pressurization mode selector .................................................... MAN AC AUTO FAIL light - extinguished STANDBY light - extinguished MANUAL light - illuminated
Outflow valve switch ............................................................Hold OPEN Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward OPEN. Outflow valve switch ......................................................... Hold CLOSE Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward CLOSE. Pressurization Mode selector ................................................... MAN DC MANUAL light - illuminated Outflow valve switch ............................................................Hold OPEN Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward OPEN. Outflow valve switch ......................................................... Hold CLOSE Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward CLOSE. FLT/GRD switch ..............................................................................GRD Pressurization mode selector ......................................................... AUTO Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward OPEN. MANUAL light - extinguished
Pressurization System Manual Mode Test - Airplanes with DCPCS
Pack switches ....................................................................................OFF

Pressurization mode selector...........................................................MAN AUTO FAIL and ALTN lights – extinguished. MANUAL light - illuminated.
Copyright . The Boeing Company. See title page for details.
SP.2.4  December 1, 2000

Supplementary Procedures -Air Systems
737 Operations Manual
Outflow valve switch ................................................................... CLOSE Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward CLOSE.
Outflow valve switch ..................................................................... OPEN Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward OPEN.
Pressurization mode selector .........................................................AUTO Verify Valve Position indicator moves toward OPEN.
MANUAL light - extinguished.
Standby Mode Operation - Airplanes with CPCS
Before start: Pressurization mode selector .................................................... STBY Standby light - illuminated Cabin Altitude indicator .................................................................Set
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本文链接地址:737-300机组操作手册Flight Crew Operations Manual FCOM 1(51)