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时间:2010-09-30 22:34来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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A. When able to climb and descend VFR and maintain VFR/OT en route
B. In VFR conditions
C. In day VFR conditions
580. What temperature condition is indicated if precipitation in the form of wet snow occurs during
A. the temperature is above freezing at flight altitude.
B. The temperature is above freezing at higher altitudes.
C. There is an inversion with colder air below.
581. A dispatch release for a flag or domestic air carrier must contain or have attached to it
A. minimum fuel supply and weather information for the complete flight
B. trip number and weight and balance data
C. weather information for the complete flight and a crew list
582.Which of the following is the ral failure, or structural damage occurs.
565. A definition of the term "viscous hydroplaning" is where
A. the airplane rides on standing water.
B. a film of moisture covers the painted or rubber-coated portion of the runway.
C. the tires of the airplane are actually riding on a mixture of steam and melted rubber.
566. What is the minimum number of flight attendants required on an airplane having a passenger seating
capacity of 238 with only 200 passengers aboard?
A. Five
B. Four
C. Two
568. How dose deadhead transportation, going to or from a duty, affect the computation of flight time
limits for air carrier flight crewmember? It is
A. considered part of the rest period if the flight crew includes more than two pilots.
B. considered part of the rest period for the flight engineers and navigators.
C. not considered to be part of a rest period.
569. At which location does Coriolis force have the least effect on wind direction?
A. At the poles.
B. Middle latitudes (30° to 60°).
C. At the equator.
571. How dose Coriolis affect wind direction in the northern Hemisphere?
A. Causes counterclockwise rotation around a low.
B. Causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high.
C. Has exactly the same effect as in the Southern Hemisphere.
573.What type service should normally be expected from an En Route Flight Advisory Service?
A.Weather advisories pertinent to the type of flight, intended route of flight, and altitude
B. Severe weather information, changes in flight plans, and receipt of position reports.
C. Radar vectors for traffic separation, route weather advisories, and altimeter settings.
574.Which regulation does the pilot must comply with during operation within Class A airspace?
A. Approach Control Regulation.
B. Visual Flight Regulation.
C. Instrument Control Regulation.
575.What effect would a change in ambient temperature have on gas-turbine-engine performance?
A. As temperature increases, thrust decreases.
B. As temperature increases, thrust increases.
C. As temperature decreases, thrust decreases.
577.What are the indications of the pulsating VASI?
A. High-pulsing white, on glidepath-green, low-pulsing red.
B. High-pulsing white, on glidepath-steady white, slightly below glide slope steady red, low-pulsing red.
C. High-pulsing white, on course and on glidepath-steady white, off course but on glidepath-pulsing
white and red; low-pulsing red.
578. A person whose duties include the handing or carriage of dangerous articles and/or magnetized
materials must have satisfactorily completed an established and approved training program within the
A. 6 calendar months.
B. 12 calendar months.
C. 24 calendar months.
579. If an air carrier airplane's airborne radar is inoperative and thunderstorms are forecast along the
proposed route of flight, an airplane may be dispatched only
A. When able to climb and descend VFR and maintain VFR/OT en route
B. In VFR conditions
C. In day VFR conditions
580. What temperature condition is indicated if precipitation in the form of wet snow occurs during
A. the temperature is above freezing at flight altitude.
B. The temperature is above freezing at higher altitudes.
C. There is an inversion with colder air below.
581. A dispatch release for a flag or domestic air carrier must contain or have attached to it
A. minimum fuel supply and weather information for the complete flight.
B. trip number and weight and balance data
C. weather information for the complete flight and a crew list
582.Which of the following is the right description about CRM?
A.CRM is a comprehensive system of applying human factors concepts to improve crew performance.
B.CRM is a comprehensive system of applying human factors concepts to improve the captain's
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