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时间:2010-06-12 21:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Line 8. - Scratchpad.
b. Waypoint Coordinate (WPT COORD) Page. Depressing
the FPLN FAR displays the Waypoint List
(WPT LIST) page. The selection and depression of a
specific VAB (Table 3-22.5) will result in the display of
a desired set of coordinates.
All data and messages depicted in displays
are typical representations.
The accessing of the sample waypoints and coordinates
shown in figure 3-25.8 is the result of depressing the
FPLN FAR, then VAB 8, then VAB 2. VAB functions
for the displayed waypoint coordinate page are explained
in table 3-22.6.
Change 4 3-64.11
TM 1-1520-238-10
Figure 3-25.8. Selected Waypoint Coordinates
The Up/Down arrow keys can be used to scroll through
the Waypoint Coordinate pages. An * is shown immediately
after the storage location currently being used for
FLY TO computations and it cannot be changed until
some other location is chosen to FLY TO. The page has
the following data organization:
Line 1. - Displays the waypoint number (W24, as
shown) and the coordinate location data of that waypoint
in the L/L system.
five character spaces for numerals and the unit of measure
- FT); and the Datum number (D47, as shown).
Line 3. - Displays the next waypoint number (W25)
and coordinate location data for that waypoint.
Line 4. - Displays the associated data for waypoint 25,
consisting of a three letter ID surrounded by brackets;
Altitude (an A followed by up to five character spaces
for numerals and the unit of measure - FT); and the
Datum number (D47, as shown). If the characters within
the brackets are dashed (---), it is an indication that
no data has been entered for this waypoint.
Line 5. - Displays the next waypoint number (W26)
and coordinate location data for that waypoint.
Line 6. - Displays the associated data for Waypoint 26,
consisting of a three letter ID (MNT, as shown) surrounded
by brackets; Altitude (an A followed by up to
five character spaces for numerals and the unit of measure
- FT); and the Datum number (D47, as shown).
Line 7 - The left-hand character field displays the data
format selected for page display (either L/L or UTM).
The right-hand character field displays the legend
VAB 5 - 7 SEL: followed by selection alternatives XFR,
Line 2. - Displays the associated data for waypoint 24,
TGT, or R/B.
consisting of a three letter ID (PND, as shown) surrounded
by brackets; Altitude (an A followed by up to Line 8. - Scratchpad for data input.
Control/Display Function
VAB l Selects Waypoints 01-03 for display on Waypoint Coordinate Page
VAB 2 Selects Waypoints 04-06 for display on Waypoint Coordinate Page
VAB 3 Selects Waypoints 07-09 for display on Waypoint Coordinate Page
VAB 4 Selects Waypoints 10-12 for display on Waypoint Coordinate Page
VAB 5 Selects Waypoints 13-15 for display on Waypoint Coordinate Page
VAB 6 Selects Waypoints 16-18 for display on Waypoint Coordinate Page
VAB 7 Selects Waypoints 19-20 for display on Waypoint Coordinate Page
VAB 8 Displays page 2 of WPT LIST allowing access to Waypoints 21-40
3-64.12 Change 4
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Control/Display Function
VAB 1-3 With valid data in the coordinate location, depression of VABs l-3 will select the
(SCRATCHPAD coordinates associated with the selected VAB as the Active FLY-TO location.
VAB l-3 With Coordinate, ID, Altitude or Datum data in the scratchpad, depression of VABs l-3
(SCRATCHPAD will cause the scratchpad data to be validated. If valid, the data item associated with the
CONTAINS depressed VAB will change to the entered value. If data is invalid, an error message will
DATA) display prompting operator to employ normal scratchpad editing rules. If the intended
destination of the entry is either the Active Fly-To or Active Target, the prompt “NO
MOD TO ACTIVE COORD” will appear in the scratchpad. This signifies that the
system will not permit the Active Fly-To or Target coordinate to be modified.
VAB 4 Toggles between UTM or L/L display formats.
VAB 5-7 With valid data in the coordinate location, depression of any of these VABs will select the
(WITH SEL:TGT coordinate associated with the depressed VAB as the Active Target location.
VAB 5-7 Displays the range and bearing (RangeXXXXXXBRGXXX.X) to the selected coordinate
(WITH SEL:R/B on line 8.
VAB 5-7 Copies the coordinate data associated with the depressed VAB into the scratchpad.
VAB 8 Depression of this VAB allows toggling between VAB 5-7 SEL:XFR, VAB 5-7 SEL:TGT
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