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时间:2011-03-30 23:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Put the vortex generator without the two shims on the air inlet door.

If there is a clearance of more than 0.005 inch (0.13 mm) between the vortex generator and the air inlet door, then do these steps to install the two shims: 1) Clean the mating surfaces of the vortex generator and two shims with alcohol

and a cloth. 2) Use the air source to dry the surfaces of the vortex generator and the two shims.
May 01/03  BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright . - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.  49-15-23 Page 401 

49-15-23 Page 402  BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright . - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.  May 01/03 

NOTE:  It is recommanded that you use a pressure of 60-90 psig (414-620 kPa) of air or nitrogen to dry the surfaces of the vortex generator and two shims.
3)  Mix the two-part adhesive per the manufacturer's instructions.
NOTE:  The pot life of the mixed adhesive is approximately two hours at 68°F (20°C-26.7°C).
4)  Apply a thin and continous layer of mixed adhesive to the mating surfaces of the
two shims. 5) Install the two shims on the vortex generator. 6) Remove the unwanted adhesive from the two shims and vortex generator with a
cloth or cotton swabs. 7) Use rubber-tipped clamps, wood strips or equivalent tools to hold the two shims tightly to the vortex generator during the cure time.
NOTE:  The cure time for the mixed adhesive is approximately 15-24 hours at 68°F (20°C-26.7°C).
8)  After the adhesive has cured, remove the rubber-tipped clamps, wood strips or equivalent tools from the two shims and vortex generator.
Apply a thin layer of sealant to the mating surface of the vortex generator.

Put the vortex generator on the air inlet door.

Install the four filler radius, ten bolts, ten washers and ten nuts that attach the vortex generator to the air inlet door.

Remove any unwanted sealant from the vortex generator and the air inlet door with a cloth or cotton swabs.

Use a fairing tool to apply a fillet seal of BMS5-95 sealant between the forward and aft edges of the vortex generator and the air inlet door (view A-A).

(2)  Do this task:  Air Inlet Door Installation (AMM 49-15-22/401).
NOTE:  During the air inlet installation, install the two pushrod bearings in the two pushrods before you connect the two pushrods to the actuator. 
May 01/03  BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright . - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.  49-15-23 Page 401 

1.  Prepare for Air Inlet Door Actuator Removal
A.  Check that BATTERY SWITCH is ON.
B.  Position master switch to ON.
C. After APU air inlet door is open, position BATTERY SWITCH to OFF and placard.
D Obtain access to actuator by removing stabilizer trim access panel 3701.

2.  Remove Air Inlet Door Actuator
A.  Disconnect electrical plug from actuator. (See figure 401.)
B.  Remove nuts, washers and bolts connecting pushrod bearings to actuator arms.
C.  Remove nuts, washers, and bolts attaching actuator to bracket. Remove actuator and shim if shim was used.
D.  Remove bolts and washers from actuator arms.
E.  Remove arms from actuator output shaft and save for installation.
3.  Install Air Inlet Door Actuator
A  Position actuator arms on output shaft , aligning punch mark on output shaft with centerline of actuator arm, and install bolts and washers. (See figure 401.) Tighten bolts to a torque value of 25 (+ 3) pound-inches.
B  When installing a spare actuator P/N R6200M3, check that limit stroke from door closed to door open position is 52 degrees. If actuator needs adjusting proceed as follows:
To adjust the door open position, turn CW screw clockwise to decrease stroke and counterclockwise to increase stroke.

NOTE:  Always power actuator to door closed position before turning CW screw, or power actuator to door open position before turning CCW screw. Approximately 7 revolutions rotation of adjustment screw required per degree rotation of actuator arm.

To adjust the door closed position, turn CCW screw counterclockwise to decrease stroke, and clockwise to increase stroke.

Feb 15/70  BOEING PROPRIETARY - Copyright . - Unpublished Work - See title page for details.  49-15-31 Page 401 

G00085 G00090
APU Air Inlet Door Actuator Installation  500 
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