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时间:2010-09-29 17:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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[Ctrl-V] Paste Graphics Element
[Ctrl-X] Cut Graphics Element
V] Slide/Move Graphics Element (preferred to Cut & Paste)
[Ctrl-D] Change text (description)
[R] Get "radius box" coordinates and place into clipboard (click - move - click)
[D] Get box coordinates and place into clipboard (click - move - click)
[C] Get current coordinates and place into clipboard
[Ctrl-X] Cut Graphics Element
[Ctrl-D] Change text (description)
[Ctrl-R] Get "radius box" coordinates and place into clipboard
[Ctrl-A] Analysis mode... generates a TXT file of the logics section and lists current variable values
and the processing of the logics loop
Menu Options
The menu allows you to set the aircraft configuration file, the running mode
(Runtime/Development), the graphics options and the cycle speed of the application.
An important option is Slave Mode On/Off. This allows you to run multiple copies of pmSystems over a
network, one always has to be set to Slave Mode Off, otherwise the variables will not be processed. If you
are running only one copy of pmSystems, the Slave mode should be OFF (i.e. Master Mode). The second,
third or any other instance of pmSystems should have this mode set to On. If you have more than one set
to Master mode, then there will be conflicts in the handling of the variables and the switches.
Re-Initialize resets the variables to the states described in the INIT section of the configuration file.
Project Magenta Revision: 12 March-08
Configuration File Sections (General)
The configuration files are located in the main pmSystems Folder and need to have at least one txt file. The
naming convention of the file is pmsys????.txt (e.g. pmsys320.txt)
In addition to that, the elements of the file can be split up into several files, the default files that come with
pmSystems are pmsys????.txt (graphics base) and pmsys????.lgc (Logics)
You can also include user-defined files by adding the line:
include myfile.txt // this would load myfile.txt to define variables or add logics to the default files
initialization sequence with variable and offset values (this can be at the beginning of the file)
batt1 1
oilpress3 44
definition of bitmap images in pmsystems.img
e.g.: bitmap [element name], [position], [x1, y1, x2, y2], [offsetx, offsety], [sizefactor]
Any variable you wish to use in addition to those listed in SysVars.txt
e.g. offset variable_size varieble_name [factor]
Also, there are system specific variables such as:
- will return the number of seconds since the logics loop was called last time
- will return true if IOHardware is selected in the Menu/Ini
- returns an ever changing value between 0 and 1000
- governs whether lights and light based outputs (like text boxes) are operative (can be based on battery
switch position)
Project Magenta Revision: 12 March-08
- governs whether digital texts and gauges are operative (can be based on battery switch position)
Any constant that needs to be defined
e.g. UpperLimitTemp 200
definition of graphics elements, text, color settings etc.
text HELLO WORLD,-142.4,-170.6
linewidth 4
element tswitch2,-169.1,-161.1,LandLightLOut
definition of logics, i.e. how variables react to offsets and user inputs
if batteryon and (batteryrunning < 100) then
batteryrunning = batteryrunning + 1
user-defined scripts to display texts and movements of the screen (more soon)
Section [init]
You can set the initialization of variables here.
The first set of variables are applied whenever pmSystems connects to FS, the ones in the Eng1, Eng2,
Eng3, Eng4 sections are only applied if the particular engine is running.
[variable name] [value]
To add options that can be changed by the user (via the pmSystems Menu), you can also add the following
useroption [variable name] [description]
useroption HideSDPanel "Hides System Display Panel from the Overhead"
Project Magenta Revision: 12 March-08
The On/Off variable HideSDPanel can now be used both in the [elements] and the [logics] section:
if not HideSDPanel
___//draw graphics here
___//do nothing
The value of this variable is either 1 or 0 and is also reflected in the [logics] section. This allows you to
make changes to the display and operation of the panel for various aircraft sub-types or whatever else you
see necessary.
These useroption commands and values are stored in a pmsysXXXXX.ini file for each selected
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本文链接地址:Project Magenta USER MANUAL Revision: 12 March-08(19)