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时间:2010-07-02 13:38来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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the same engine and performance as mine, and I was
confident I could fly it safely. The weather was beautiful
VFR with unlimited ceilings and excellent visibility. It
was pretty much a last-minute decision to take the plane,
and although I reviewed the manual before the flight, I
didn’t take much time to re-familiarize with the navigation
instruments, including the HSI [Horizontal Situation
Indicator], VOR nav, GPS, and autopilot. I filed an IFR
flight plan to Airport 2. From soon after takeoff, however,
I started having difficulty following the Victor airways,
and frequently wandered off-course. I realized I wasn’t
sure which nav radio matched the HSI and the VOR head,
couldn’t program the GPS en route, and the autopilot
didn’t help because it would veer off-course upon activation.
I was completely comfortable flying the plane – power
management, engine management, etc. – but I felt like and
flew my course like a rank amateur. I’ve never had an HSI
and it’s been too long since I trained on one. In any event, I
wandered off-course, overshot a VOR, and possibly busted
my altitudes a couple of times…As I got closer to Airport
2 and realized that I just wasn’t comfortable enough with
the instruments to go into Class B airspace, I tried to find
an airport on my charts that would likely have a rental car.
None appeared close, and I wandered more while searching
my charts. Approach was wonderful and, at my request,
called around until they found an airport that could get me
a rental car, and diverted me about 40 miles east to Airport
3, where I landed….
That night, I called an instructor pilot familiar with the
plane, and talked about the navigation instruments about
20 minutes. The next morning, after much agonizing, I
decided to file an IFR flight plan to Airport 4 rather than
to go VFR, and my performance was as day is to night:
I followed the Victor airways, successfully utilized the
HSI and the VOR/Nav 2, was able to program the GPS
successfully and thereby cross-check the accuracy of my
course, and made good use of the autopilot, having found
that it nav’ed or headed off the HSI, at my election….
My C210 is about ready again, and I look forward to
getting back into a plane that I am intimately familiar
with. However, the instructor (familiar with the Debonair)
and I are going to go out soon for a re-familiarization
session, just in case I…need to fly it again….
Programming Distractions
Several GA reports describe how loss of situational
awareness can occur when pilots fixate on equipment
programming. A GA pilot practicing ILS approaches had a
big scare shortly after trying to program an autopilot.
n Flying from Airport 1 eastward to rejoin extended
localizer to Airport 1, intending to turn north and intercept
localizer well before vicinity of Airport 2. Meant to set
2,800 as minimum descent altitude as insurance to avoid
Airport 2 Class D ceiling (2,600 feet). Mistakenly set 1,800.
Shouldn’t have mattered if were paying proper attention
since I didn’t intend to fly that close to Airport 2 (or that
close to the ceiling).
[I was] head down in cockpit trying to figure out why a
button-pushing sequence was not working per the manual.
The manual for this autopilot and associated gear is 530
pages and not exhaustive, at that.
At some point I realized I was taking too long over this.
Turned westward and then noticed:
1. Almost over Airport 2 airport. Altitude 1,800 feet.
2. Sky divers above and to north, lowest maybe 2,300 feet.
Closest laterally was perhaps ½ to 1 mile.
This is the most frightening thing that’s ever happened to
me in flying. The airspace incursion was the least of it. Had
my turn been different, I could have been among the divers
with potentially catastrophic results for a diver.
The cause is obvious – task fixation [and] lack of situational
awareness resulted in being where I shouldn’t be, and not
guarding the local frequency for any potential warning of
the skydiving activity.
It’s not that priorities need reordering – we all agree on
what they are. It’s actually making my behavior match
my mental priorities. Not as easy – but a scare like this is
awfully effective.
In another incident, a C-172 pilot was unable to complete
a practice GPS approach due to an autopilot functionality
n I was in contact with Approach Control requesting a
practice GPS-B approach. Approach cleared me for the
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