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时间:2010-07-02 13:38来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

traffic please.’ At this point the preceding heavy B767 had
reached a 2-mile final and the B737 was at a 7-mile final all
according to the Tower Display Workstation radar scope….
What would you have done?
• Advised the trailing B737 he had 10 seconds to report
the B767 in sight.
• Instructed the trailing B737 to reduce to minimum
approach speed.
• Canceled the trailing B737’s approach clearance.
• ? ? ?
Situation #3: “Found Throttle Completely
Disconnected” (Beech Bonanza Pilot)
n On the first leg of a 2-leg trip, the throttle felt slightly loose,
like it needed tightening. Made note to check when we got
home. Couldn’t find anything wrong during preflight or runup
for second leg. Uneventful trip home at 6,000 feet. [I] left
throttle wide open as usual. Began descent…Advised airport
in sight about 10 nm out. Approach cleared me for a visual
Runway 14L and handed me off to Tower. Near airport, tried
to slow, found throttle completely disconnected, could move
lever forward and aft, but no change in manifold pressure.
Since other controls worked properly, decided to land using
prop, gear, and flaps to control speed. Tower cleared me to
land on Runway 14L. Entered left base. Airspeed on final
about 110 knots (versus 90 knot target). Attempted to land
despite higher speed, but aborted landing after bouncing
twice. Advised Tower going around, throttle problem. Told
to make right traffic, plan for Runway 14R. Acknowledged
change in runways, continued climbout, began climb, and
selected gear up. Gear lights stayed green, red ‘in transit’
light never came on, rate of climb lower than normal….
What would you have done?
• Assumed gear-down indications were correct and tried
another approach.
• Departed the pattern for troubleshooting.
• Declared an emergency with the Tower.
• ? ? ?
The Rest of the Story -
The Reporter’s Actions
Situation #1: “Our Airspeed Was at the
Lowest Allowable” (A320 First Officer)
• The Reporter’s Action: Alerted the Captain to
being left of centerline and very low.
Do You Agree?
n …I said ‘I show you WELL left of centerline and very
low.’ Just then, the Airbus voice called out ‘Speed, Speed.’
The Captain added lots of power and was trying to climb
when I realized that the speed brakes were deployed to the
Full Up position. I told the Captain this as I immediately
retracted them, and then things went back to normal.
The contributing factors were: 1) The lack of an ILS
approach to a ‘black hole approach’ over water at night. 2)
Our relative unfamiliarity with the airport led to confusion
about where the ‘air base’ was and what altitude we should
be at. I think Approach should always reference approach
fixes, DMEs, or ‘miles to the field’ when giving altitudes.
3) The speed brakes cause virtually no vibration on the
Airbus. The only indication that they were out was the
small amber ‘Speed Brake’ indication on the ECAM page.
During this approach we never saw the message since we
were primarily looking outside….
Situation #2: “Pilots Were Slowing Way
Down” (Local Controller)
• The Reporter’s Action: Canceled the trailing
B737’s approach clearance.
Do You Agree?
n …I canceled the trailing B737 approach clearance, told
him to maintain 1,500 feet and fly present heading. I gave
the B737 one last chance while he was still in a position
to land safely to see the heavy on short final, and when
he said…that he ‘had the field’ I told him to climb and
maintain 3,000 feet and turn right heading 120 to break
him away from the approach sequence…Quality Assurance
at my facility proceeded to investigate the situation only
to find that a loss of separation did indeed occur, as I was
about 20 seconds late in canceling the B737’s approach
clearance allowing him to get within 4.7 miles of the heavy
B767 instead of the required 5 miles….
Situation #3: “Found Throttle Completely
Disconnected” (Beech Bonanza Pilot)
• The Reporter’s Action: Departed the pattern for
Do You Agree?
n ….Told Tower I wanted to depart pattern and
troubleshoot before trying another landing. Tower said
squawk 1200 and handed me back to Approach. Told to
maintain VFR at or below 3,500 feet, asked for souls and
fuel on board, and approved frequency change so I could
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