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时间:2011-11-21 11:35来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空

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曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者



Vice President Flight Safety


Dear Customers and Aviation Safety Colleagues,
We have now started a new year, and looking back at 2009, statistics confirm that runway excursions remain the main category of accidents in air transport.
In the last issue of this magazine, we presented two new system features developed by Airbus to help flight crews during the critical landing and takeoff phases: the Runway Overrun Protection System (ROPS) and the TakeOff Securing function (TOS).
In this issue we have as well two articles devoted to these flight phases:
..“A320 Family/ Evolution of ground
spoiler logic”.
..“Incorrect pitch trim setting at
takeoff ”. The other two articles of this magazine concentrate on topics for which the specific environment requires to reinforce awareness of either pilots or mechanics.
Technical flights.

Maintenance work on aircraft

oxygen systems.  These topics, and many others, will be reviewed during our next Flight Safety Conference in Brussels on March 15th to 18th, where we look forward to meeting the representatives of all our operators.
Vice President Flight Safety

The Airbus Safety Magazine
Information .....................................................................................2

A320 Family/ Evolution of ground spoiler logic .............................3 Stéphane Boissenin / Elisabeth Salavy
Incorrect pitch trim setting at takeoff ...........................................7 Catherine Bonnet
Technical Flight Familiarization ...................................................11 Jean Michel Roy
Oxygen safety ...............................................................................13 Jacques Chavagne
2 Issue 9 | FEBRUARY 2010 Safety

In the article titled . Fuel spills

Magazine distribution

If you wish to subscribe to Safety First, please fill out the subscrip-tion form that you will find at the end of this issue.
Please note that the paper copies will only be forwarded to profes-sional addresses.

Your articles

As already said, this magazine is a
tool to help share information. Therefore, we rely on your inputs. We are still looking for articles from operators that we can help pass to other operators through the magazine.
If you have any inputs then please contact Nils Fayaud at:
e-mail : nils.fayaud@airbus.com fax : +33 (0) 5 61 93 44 29 Safety Information on the Airbus websites
On the different Airbus websites we are building up more and more safety relevant information for you to use.
The present and previous issues of Safety First can be accessed to in the Flight Operations Community-Safe-ty and Operational Materials chapter-, at https://w3.airbusworld.com
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航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:Safety First The Airbus Safety Magazine Edition February 2010