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时间:2011-08-28 14:50来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

v)  In order to avoid interference on radar display, the pilot shall not operate the transponder when the aircraft is on ground except when entering the runway for take-off or till vacating the runway after landing.
13.3. Emergency procedure
13.3.1. An aircraft encountering a state of emergency may continue to operate the transponder on the previously assigned code, until otherwise advised. Alternatively the transponder shall be set to mode A3 code 7700.
13.3.2. Not withstanding the procedure in 12.3.1 above, a pilot may select mode A3 code 7700 whenever the emergency is such that this appears to be the most suitable course of action.
13.4. Radio communication failure
13.4.1. In the event of an aircraft radio receiver failure, a pilot shall select mode A3 Code 7600 and follow established procedure; subsequent control of aircraft will be based on those procedures.
13.5. Unlawful interference
13.5.1. Should an aircraft in flight be subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot shall endeavor to set the transponder to mode A3 code 7500 to give indication of the situation unless circumstances warrant the use of mode A3 code 7700.
13.5.2. When a pilot has selected mode A3 code 7500 and subsequently requested to confirm his code by ATC he shall, according to circumstances either confirm this or not reply at all. Note -The absence of a reply from the pilot will be taken by ATC as an indication that the use of code 7500 is not due to an inadvertent false code selection.
13.6. Verification of accuracy of mode C derived level information
13.6.1. All aircraft must report the level/altitude maintaining/passing on first contact with a radar init to facilitate verification of Mode C altitude information.
13.6.2. Verification of the accuracy of SSR derived altitude information displayed to the controller shall be effected at least once by each suitably equipped ATC unit on initial contact with the aircraft concerned or, if this is not feasible, as soon as possible thereafter. This verification shall be effected by simultaneous comparison with altimeter derived level information received from the specific aircraft by radio telephony. The pilot if the aircraft whose Mode C derived information is within the approved tolerance value will not be advised of such verification.
13.6.3. If the displayed information is not within the approved tolerance value, or when a discrepancy in excess of the approved tolerance value is detected subsequent to verification, the pilot will be advised and requested to check his pressure setting and confirm his level.
13.6.4. If, following confirmation of level and correct pressure setting, the discrepancy continues to exist the controller may request the pilot to stop his Mode C transmission. The phraseology used will be ‘Stop SWUAWK CHARLIE. WRONG INDICATION”
13.7. Code Assignment
13.7.1. Aircraft operating in Indian airspace will be assigned codes as follows-
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