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时间:2011-08-28 14:50来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

10.1.2. The pilot shall be notified when the conflict no loner exists.
10.2. Identified IFR flight outside controlled airspace-
10.2.1. When  an identified IFR flight operating outside controlled airspace is observed to be on a conflicting path with another aircraft, the identified aircraft will be advised of the need for collision avoidance. If so requested by the pilot or if in the opinion of the radar controller the situation warrants, a course of avoiding action will be suggested.
10.2.2. The pilot shall be notified when the conflict no longer exists.
In both the cases mentioned in para 10.1.1 and 10.2.1 above, the decision whether to comply with ATC suggestion or not rests solely with the pilot.

Radar failure

11.1. In the event of radar failure, instructions will be issued to restore non-radar separation.
If  non-radar separation cannot be provided immediately, an emergency separation of half the applicable vertical separation minimum may be used, i.e. 500 Ft between aircraft in airspace where a vertical separation of 1000 Ft is applied and 1000 Ft between aircraft in airspace where a 2000 Ft vertical separation minimum is applied.

Communication failure procedure

12.1. If two-way communication is lost with an aircraft, the radar controller will try to determine whether or not the aircraft’s receiver is functioning by-
i)  Instructing the aircraft to acknowledge by making specific maneuver(s)
ii)  Instructing the aircraft to operate SPI feature (i.e. Squawk Ident) or to make SSR mode A3 code changes Note -A transponder equipped aircraft experiencing radio communication failure should operate its transponder on mode A3 code 7600.
12.2. If it is established that the aircraft’s radio receiver is functioning, the controller shall continue to provide radar service to the aircraft.
In the event of complete radio communication failure, radar separation shall continue to be applied between other aircraft under radar control and RCF aircraft.

Procedures for operation of SSR transponder codes

13.1. All aircraft carrying serviceable transponder shall operate the transponder at all times during flight within Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR regardless of whether the aircraft is within or outside airspace where SSR is used for ATS.
13.2. Operating procedures
13.2.1. Except as provided in para 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 below, pilots hall operate transponders and select modes and codes in accordance with the following procedures- i) Aircraft departing from an aerodrome located in Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR shall be assigned an appropriate SSR code on departure. This SSR code setting shall continue unless instructed otherwise. ii) Aircraft engaged in international flight, entering Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR shall continue to maintain SSR code being squawked in the adjacent FIR. This SSR code setting shall be included in the first position report prior to entering the FIR. iii) Aircraft engaged in domestic flight shall operate the transponder on the last assigned code. iv) Aircraft not assigned a SSR code shall operate transponder on mode A3 code 2000 before entry into Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kolkata and Mumbai FIR and maintain that code setting until otherwise instructed.
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