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时间:2011-08-28 14:50来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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3.2. Non-radar separation will be applied between transponder equipped aircraft and an aircraft without SSR transponder or with a non-functioning SSR transponder.
3.3. In the event of an aircraft transponder failure or ATC determining that transponder does not meet serviceability requirements, the aircraft (for whom carriage of transponder is mandatory) will normally be permitted to continue to operate to the next point of landing.
An aircraft (for whom carriage of transponder is mandatory) whose transponder failure is detected before departure may be specifically authorised by ATC to operate without serviceable transponder provided; a request is included in the flight plan. 

Radar identification

Before providing radar service to an aircraft, radar identification shall be established by one of the method in Doc 4444-PANS-ATM, Chapter 4 and the pilot so informed. If radar identification is subsequently lost, the pilot shall be informed accordingly and instructions will be issued so as to restore non-radar separation.

Terrain clearance

5.1. When vectoring IFR flights, the radar controller shall ensure adequate terrain clearance until the aircraft reaches the point when the pilot resumes his own navigation.
When ATC provides radar vectors to a VFR flight, the pilot retains responsibility for terrain clearance.

Information regarding adverse weather

6.1. Modern ATC radar sensors and processors are normally designed to suppress weather clutter. Even the most active areas of adverse weather may not show on radar display. An aircraft’s weather radar will normally provide better detection and definition of adverse weather the radar sensors in se by ATC.
6.2. If, however, weather is observed that appears likely to affect the flight, the radar controller may pass this information to the pilot.
If an aircraft is equipped with weather radar and the pilot intends to circumnavigate the adverse weather area observed on his radar display, he should intimate and obtain clearance from radar controller for his proposed action. This is necessary to ensure that separation which the radar controller may be providing to any other aircraft is not jeopardized.

Radar separation minima

7.1. Radar separation based on the use of radar position symbol (RPS) shall be applied so that the distance between the centers of the RPS representing the positions of aircraft concerned, is never less than prescribed minima.
7.2. Traffic separation will be based to a large degree on radar separation within the airspace under radar coverage.
7.3. In the event that the radar controller has been notified of a controlled flight entering or about to enter the airspace within which radar separation is applied, but has not radar identified the aircraft, the controller may continue to provide radar service to identified aircraft, provided that-
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